Part 21

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The next day passed on quite in a blur as they all set out in the morning moving around the famous places in Goa specially the churches as Aliya wished to.

It was almost 6 in the evening when they all returned back to the Malhotra beach house when manik said,

Manik: Ohk guys... I guess everyone is tired so lets just take a nap for sometime and then decide what do to next.

Cabir: Nope... No deciding Man.... Look at this!
Cabir said excitedly as he forwarded a brochure in front of them.

Cabir: There is a massive weekend party happening at the LPK Waterfront Club..... We r so going there!!

Mukti and Manik took the paper from him and read about the party before smiling.
Mukti: This is it then.... The minimum age is 18, Rishab u too r in!

All of them smiled at him and then dispersed to their rooms to rest.

It was around 9 in the night when Nandini moved out of her room after getting ready. She moved down to the living room only to find Rishab and Abhi playing some game on the ps.

Nandini: Hi guys... Where is everyone?

Rishab: Hi di...

Abhi: No one is ready yet!
Both of them replied together, not even glances towards her as they were too busy in their game.

Nandini noticed this and shook her head as she walked towards the kitchen. She took out a water bottle from the fridge and walked out again when finally abhi glanced at her.

 She took out a water bottle from the fridge and walked out again when finally abhi glanced at her

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Abhi: Woah... Someone's looking hot!

Nandini rolled her eyes at him and took the console from him.
Nandini: What is ur score rishu?

Rishab looked up at her and smiled.
Rishab: 20 thousand di.... U can't beat me this time!

Nandini: Lets see...
Nandini smiled as she took a seat on the bean bag where abhi sat earlier. While abhi was standing on the side looking at her with an amused expression.

Abhi: Come on nandini.... Don't tell me u think u can win him. He just beated me and now look at u, all dolled up in silver heels, u can't beat him.

Nandini: That's sexist Abhi.... Just coz I m a girl, wearing these heels, that doesn't mean I can't play.
Nandini said as Rishab started off with the game. Both of them slid over the rim of their seats as they pressed keys of the console furiously.

 Both of them slid over the rim of their seats as they pressed keys of the console furiously

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