Part 28

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The next morning came along with a pleasant sunlight all around. Nandini stirred due to the sharp light on her eyes as a result moving Manik too.

She realised their position when a sharp pain rang through her neck due to stay in the same side the entire night.

Manik: Crap my neck!
She heard Manik groan by her side making her roll her eyes.

Nandini: Good morning to u too Manik....

Manik: My neck hurts like bitch.... This is anything but a good morning Nandini!
Manik said taking the duvet off himself as he stood up.

Nandini: Mine does as well!!

Nandini said as she laid down on the couch again, this time properly, taking Manik's place as well and pulled the duvet completely over herself.

Manik: Nandini, if u wanna sleep.... Go and take the bed, it will be comfortable.

Nandini: No.. I m fine here, just 5 minutes plz...
Nandini whined pulling the duvet over her head to block the sun light.

Manik chuckled at her and adjusted the curtains properly to block the sunlight and then moved over to freshen up.

15 minutes later, Manik walked out of the washroom.

Nandini: Eww MANIK.....
He heard Nandini's squeak behind him. He turned around to see her standing next to the chair, with her hands covering her eyes.

Nandini: Why the hell r u just in a towel?

Manik: Coz I just took a bath... Which usually is done naked!
Manik replied sarcastically at her making her groan.

Nandini: Shut up Manik... Pick up ur clothes and get back in.
Nandini said as she turned her back towards him, waiting for him to walk away.

Manik smirked at her reaction as he moved forward towards her, instead of going back into the washroom. He reached right behind her where she was busy picking up a pair of clothes for herself from the stuff that she had bought the other day.

Nandini continued her word when she felt his hands at the sides of her waist and his hot breath on her neck, making her shiver in his proximity when he said,

Manik: Too hot to handle....

Nandini: Huh?

Manik: Is me being like this affecting u so much Nandini??
Manik repeated again, changing his words making Nandini scoff as she rolled her eyes still not turning around.

Nandini: In ur dreams Manik Malhotra!!

Manik's smirk broadened at her words as he suddenly pulled her back, right into his chest, wrapping his arm around her waist, taking her into a back hug.

Manik: Ohh really!! So u mean, it isn't bothering u at all...
Manik asked again this time his voice turning into a husky whisper.

Nandini shivered into his arms at his breath fanning her neck as she tried to get out of his grip only to have it tightened by him.

Manik: Tell me Nandini...
Manik whispered again, directly into her ear with his lips brushing her ear as he spoke.

Nandini felt his bare chest right behind her, she fisted her hands on her clothes, controlling herself from shivering further.

Nandini: No..
Nandini replied back in a small voice hardly managing not to shutter when Manik dug his face further into her neck as he whispered over his skin, insisting again.

Manik: Are u sure....?

Nandini elbowed him suddenly out of nowhere making him stumble back as she replied loudly,
Nandini: Yes very sure....

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