Part 16

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Nandini: Manik u know what, I think I should definitely find u a girl friend....
Nandini said as they both were stumped over the couch in her music room not willing to leave at all.

Manik: Oh and why is that so??
Manik asked with an amused expression on her sudden change of topic. He was just telling her what all he did the entire day, when she wasn't at work and she suddenly shifted the topic.

Nandini: U see these days dhruv and aliya too seem to be settling down, and I hv high hopes for a confession real soon!! And after this, all ur friends will be happily committed..... So Mr. Malhotra, U'll feel left out right, thus, I should get u a girl friend...

Nandini explained to him slowly, as if talking to a child.

Manik: Hmn... But why would I be alone, I hv you na!! U r not committed, so I will hv ur company.

Nandini: And what will u do on days like today?? As in when I m busy and stuff...
Nandini asked popping up her head on her knee.

Manik: In that case, I'll help u with whatever u r busy with...
Manik winked at her making her laugh. Nandini threw her head back laughing at his cockiness when he suddenly held her hand and jerk her forward towards himself,

Manik: I m not letting u go that easily Ms. Moorthy!! I hv a habit of long term friendship...

Nandini: Well as for me, I hv zero experience on any type of friendship so, I guess I'll stick to ur word.
Nandini said very seriously as the two of them looked at each other and the next minute, they bursted out in fits of laughter.

Manik: U r insane...

Nandini: So r u Manik....
Nandini laughed as she threw a cushion over him.

Just then there was a knock at the door, Nandini opened up the door to find the servant there with a card. Nandini nodded at him with a grim face and closed the door.

Manik noticed her blank face and raised his eyebrows.

Nandini: The drama starts again...
Nandini muttered and passed him the small card.

"Dinner at 9!!!", he read out loud making Nandini groan.

Nandini: I need to change...

Manik: So is the dinner out somewhere??
Manik asked slowly.

Nandini: No... Just right across the hall over the dining table!!
Nandini replied to him as she got up. She moved out of the room asking Manik to follow, which he did.

Manik: Then why do u need to change?? I think these clothes are perfectly fine.

Nandini: Manik... This is nothing like the casual family dinners at normal houses. This family never does dinner together!! Its just that Rishab is here and they feel obligated to do this. I won't even be surprised if I get to know that they didn't even see him once.

Nandini told him as she walked into her walk in closet and searched for an appropriate dress for the dinner. Manik didn't say anything further about the dinner and said,

Manik: Then I guess, I should leave.... I'll meet rishab some other day!!!

Nandini: Hang on, just lemme get ready. I'll walk u to ur car. I'll just change and be back, u sit.
Saying so Nandini took her dress and walked inside the washroom. While Manik picked up the book kept on her bed side table and opened it up. He found a bookmark in it and understood that this was the novel that Nandini was reading currently as a smile crept over his face.

A few minutes later, Nandini walked out of the room.
Nandini: By the way Manik... I forgot to ask, are u coming with Cabir and Me to the site visit tmrw??

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