Part 33

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A very very Happy New Year to all u lovely people out there......
Let's just wish this year to be the most luckiest one for each and every single one of us!

Here is another update as a New Year present from me to all of u!!
Hope u all like it....

Enjoy Reading!!

Soon after Manik's final msg to Nandini, Abhi joined the gang when Nyonika asked all of them to come for dinner.

Abhi: Ohh yes... I m famished!
Abhi said immediately getting up as he pulled Mukti along with him.

Navya: By the way... How did ur song come up today? Don't u hv ur deadline in like 3 days!

Aliya: Oh yes we do... I don't even know how are we going to complete it. This time it's like we aren't getting any the lyrics at all.

Nandini: What's the theme?
Nandini asked taking interest into the topic as they sat around the table.

Mukti: Romance... Its a fast beat romantic track, something different.

Cabir: And our romance master Dhruv is not giving us any lyrics... Btw aunty, u won't believe what happened today!
Cabir said turning towards Nyonika.

Nyonika: What?

Cabir: Manik Malhotra wrote a new song! Nothing surprising there but then it was a nyc classic romantic piece...

Harsh: Wow... Manik, and romance?
They heard harsh's voice as he walked towards them.

Manik: Shut it up Cabir.... I just wrote coz the deadlines are here!
Manik said rolling his eyes at Cabir as he took a seat next to Nandini.

Harsh shook his head at their usual banter as he sat with them and nyonika served him.

Mukti: Whatever makes u sleep at night...
Mukti muttered before digging into her food while the others chuckled.

As the dinner proceeded Harsh said to Nandini,
Harsh: By the way Nandini... Well done on the presentation today! It was really very good, ur efforts could be seen...

Nandini: Thank u so much Uncle... I m glad we got the deal, I can't tell u how much excited I hv been for this project.
Nandini smiled broadly at him as harsh nodded.

Harsh: Ohh I know... I saw u! And that's why I m making u the lead for this one. U would be heading this project, not Manik.

She heard Harsh say making her stop in her tracks.
Nandini: Huh??

Manik: Wow dad... Congrats Nandini!!
Manik said smiling broadly at her while she sat there with a blank face.

Nandini: Oh My God are u serious?

Harsh chuckled at her nodding,
Harsh: Obviously... I m serious.... U don't think Manik handles all the various projects alone right?

Nandini: Ohh god... Thank u so so much Uncle! I just can't thank u enough for this.

Harsh: Ur welcome... U earned it!
Harsh said raising a glass towards her as a toast while the others congratulated Nandini.

The dinner continued with some usual drama of how Cabir keeps on stealing food from Mukti's plate when Manik bent closer towards Nandini.

Manik: U wanna tell them all??

Nandini: Hmm?? What?
Nandini asked turning towards him when Manik sighed and pointed towards her phone.

Manik: About our decision?

Realisation drew over her as she choked in her food, coughing out loud. All the others grew silent at this as Manik immediately filled up a glass of water for her.

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