Part 60

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Will: Ohk, so what exactly were u girls planning when u wanted this Bonfire night!

Becca: Nothing special.... We just wanted to have a quite night, talking and remembering our old days! Its been so long and lately all of us have been just too busy in work and stuff, its like we don't even talk anymore...

Elliot not being the emotional talk guy rolled his eyes at his girlfriends words while the others nodded.

Will: Ohk then... Here, beer anyone?
Will said holding up beer cans as everyone but Elliot and nandini took one.

Manik: U want something else to drink?
Manik asked Nandini making her shake her head at him, saying that she was fine.

They talked for hours together, talking about all their work lives, college days and other stuff. It was as if manik too had become a part of their group as they all enjoyed the night.

Becca: Come on Kyle, u have to agree to it... Nandini had always been the different one in all of us. She was the topper and then the band was also there!

Nandini: Will too was in the band Becs... Its not just me.

Will: Well so were a few more guys... But u were the only girl in there Nandini, u know people pointed u out in the hallway as 'The Girl'. Plus, u preferring to be alone and isolated made u all the more mysterious, if u know what I mean!

All of them laughed at it while Nandini snuggled further into Manik wanting nothing more than to change the topic, which Manik readily understood.

Manik: Hey Will, tell me more about this Band.... Nandini never really talked much about this...

Nandini smiled at his curiosity as Ronnie spoke up,
Ronnie: Ohh it was amazing! The college never really had its own band as they never had good vocalists. But then Nandini joined the Music major in her first year and soon the idea of the band came up.

Will: Though the band was just the part of our Major... But soon the cultural team contacted us and before we knew no event organised in the college was complete without us being a part. Nandini was the lead vocalist. Brett was the male lead but I don't think anyone in the band, trusted his ideas enough to pay any attention to him.

Becca: I personally was a great fan of Nandini's! Though there was just one thing which Nandini was too bad at!
Becca said chuckling as Nandini eyed her in disappointment.

Manik: And what was that?

Will: Nandini never really wrote romantic tracks. If anyone else in the band came up with one then she sang it. But since it was rare, she hardly ever sang romantic songs, much to Becs' disappointment.

Manik smiled at it knowing the feeling, coz not long back he too had a problem in writing all of it while the others around them laughed.

Kyle: Hey remember that time in final year when the faculties asked u for the Romantic Track particularly!
Kyle asked as they all laughed further while Nandini simply threw a glass at him which he catched and stuck out a tongue towards her.

Will: Instead of a love song, nandini came up with a freaking Break Up song.

Nandini: If u remember correctly... It was still a hit. They played it on the college radio for months.
Nandini retorted at all of them when Becca spoke up.

Becca: Come on Nandini... Its been so long since I last heard u sing, lets have it tonight. And u can sing ur Break Up song if u want, I won't mind promise.

Nandini: Not here Becs....

Kyle: Hey, Why not?
Kyle took asked as did the others.

Nandini: No yr... Its not the same anymore guys! Its not college...

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