Part 7

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A new day came along, Manik woke up at his usual time and got ready as he walked down foe breakfast. Nyonika was busy serving his dad when he kissed her cheeks from behind and said,

Manik: Good morning beautiful!!

She smiled at him as he wished his dad and took his seat.
Manik: Dad?? U coming to office today?

Harsh: Yeah...

Manik: Great... I'll hv a meeting prepared for the Pune Project. The designs and the prototype is all ready.

Harsh: Manik... U know u don't hv to.

Manik: Shut it old man, u r not retiring so easily.
Nyonika chuckled at his words and served him after which she too sat.

Nyonika: By the way what's up with u this morning....  U seem energetic!

Manik: Just happy!!
Manik smiled broadly at them and his happiness was transfered over to their faces almost immediately. Well, thats how parents are... Right??

Soon both the men left for work. As soon as Manik entered his cabin he was greeted by Cabir who was lying on the couch.

Manik: Morning lazy head!!

Cabir: Manik yr... I know u love me a lot but Abhi nhi thodi der ruk ja...

Manik glared at him making a disgusted face and walked over to his chair as he sat.
Manik: I m arranging a meeting with Dad for the Pune Project, u better be ready.

Cabir: Yeah!!
Cabir said lazily making Manik shake his head when they heard a knock on the door.

Manik: Come in...

Manik said when he saw Nandini walking in with a few blue prints in her hands.

Manik said when he saw Nandini walking in with a few blue prints in her hands

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Manik: Nandini, u don't hv to knock!!

Nandini: Ohh Good Morning to u too Manik...
Nandini said ignoring his comment and noticed Cabir on he couch. And said in a stern tone.

Nandini: Cabir... Move ur ass up here right now!!

Cabir: Woah... Thats new!! Why r u suddenly so happy Nandu?
Cabir teased her getting up, as he saw her holding the blue prints.

Nandini: Coz I finally found something out which will definitely make Navya break up with u...
Nandini said sweetly making him look at her shocked.

Cabir: U scare me a bit more every day. My first impression about u was right, I should really stay away from u...

Nandini: U should... Now see here, according to these recent designs, I was thinking if we actually accommodate this........

And she went on with some work. They discussed it for about half an hour after which Manik said,

Manik: I think ur idea might work great. It will increase the aesthetic side as well as our profits. Nandini how much time do u need to make up the revised designs??

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