Part 20

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Rishab: Nandini Di.... Dii wake up! We r here....
Rishab said as he woke Nandini up after the flight landed in Goa. It was just a 45 min flight, but after a long day at work, they decided to rest on the flight.

Navya too woke Cabir up while the others were already standing ready to get down the flight.

Mukti: Finally.... Goa!! Here we r...
Mukti smiled brightly as Nandini opened up her eyes.

Rishab: Come on Di... Get up na...
Rishab chuckled at her sleeping form.

Nandini got up from her place and rubbed her eyes as she whined,
Nandini: I still need sleep!

They all took their hand bags and got down the flight. Heading towards the baggage collect, they discussed excitedly about the trip. When Manik looked at Nandini behind him and stepped to her side.

Manik: Nandini.... Sunglasses??? Its 7:30 in the evening... Its dark out there!

Nandini: What? Do u expect me to be roaming around in sleepy eyes... I just woke up! I'd look like a hobo if I remove these....

Manik chuckled at her exaggeration and shook his head.
Manik: U look beautiful, no matter what!

Nandini rolled her eyes at his comment as if he could see it through the dark glasses but still ignored his words and continued walking ahead as the others looked for them. They collected their bags from the counter and head out to the car waiting for them.

Half an hour later, the driver stops the car at the Malhotra's Holiday House in Goa.

Navya: Nice place Manik....
Navya said getting down the car as she looked at the Mansion in front of them.

Mukti: Navya just hv a look inside... U'll hv ur mouth dropping at the backside view!! Its a long ranged private beach.
Mukti smiled broad in front of her as they straightened up.

Manik: Guys... Leave the bags here itself, the staff will get it... Come!
Manik said to them as they entered the house.

They all roamed around the house, looking around excitedly when aliya noticed Nandini standing at the same place quietly.

Aliya: What happened Nandini? Why r u so silent....

All of them turned towards her listening to aliya when Nandini frowned,
Nandini: I just need a bed to crash...

All of them chuckled at her when Manik said,
Manik: Come... I'll show u guys the rooms.

With that they moved up the stairs in the middle of the living room to the lobby on the first floor. They stood there seeing rooms on both sides of lobby.

Manik: Ohk so I don't really want to be killed by mom so we r not going to touch her room. Other than that, everything is free for us to  use..... So that leaves us with 8 free rooms, we r 9, so someone has to share.

Cabir: Dude... Me and Navya in one!

Abhi: Same with Mukti and me....

Cabir and Abhi said immediately making everyone smile. Manik looked at them with amused expressions but refrained from commenting anything.

Manik: Ohk love birds, as u wish rest of us can take up any room we want-
He was interrupted in his words as they heard a door open, they turned to the right and saw Nandini entering the second room before she closed the door behind her back.

Cabir: Woah.... Sleepy Nandini is cranky!!
Cabir chuckled at them when Manik rolled his eyes.

Manik: Better not disturb her at this time,  I faced the consequences when I did!

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