Part 101

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Nandini: Well, I know how hard each and every single person in this room has worked for the hotel, and really hats off to all of u for that. I hope all of had a lot of rest yesterday, and now are back with a fresh and clear head. So, the question arises, what next people?

Nandini spoke up as she addressed a meeting in the RM Heights the next morning. All the members of both her and Cabir's team were present in there. 

A smile came upon her face on the hesitant faces all around her.
Nandini: Don't worry guys... I m not going to bring up some new mega project to make u run out of here. 

All of them sighed as a wave of slight laughter passed around.
Nandini: Ohk so for some time, let's just stick to something that we are good at. Let's get back onto the projects that we have been putting on the sidelines, because of the hotel. I m sure a lot of our clients are waiting for us to get back to them. 

Everyone agreed to her nodding along as Nandini glanced at Cabir.
Nandini: Ohk so for the design team all I have to say is work ahead, and keep up with the good results okay. And for the others, well as u all know Mr. Dhawan would now be leaving from his post here as he has a lot of commitments as the CEO of the NH30, so for obvious reasons his team would have to adjust a bit. We have decided to change the way things work in the Raw Material and Construction Department that Cabir handled. The next few months are going to be quite important for u all, as we are planning a few promotions and distribution of tasks. Also, while we look are a head replacement, I m going to be taking over his place temporarily, and so I'll be the one u all will be reporting directly to.

"Not u Nandini... Me! They'll be reporting me."
Nandini heard someone cutting her in between. Normally this would have resulted in her snapping badly, but then if it was her beloved husband she usually ignored almost everything that he did wrong.

Nandini looked at him confused, as did everyone else in the room, as this meeting had nothing to do with Finance or anything else which required Manik. Manik walked in and went to stand next to her as he spoke up,
Manik: Yes, that's right. I have decided that instead of Nandini, I will be the one taking over in place of Cabir temporarily.

Nandini raised her eyes at him as she looked at everyone else around them and bent closer softly whispering to him,
Nandini: I thought u, me, and Cabir already discussed over this? Manik, Dad is stepping down, u have further responsibilities up there, why are u taking this up as well?

Manik: There is nothing that Dad did that I already don't do Nandini, I can handle another department. I don't want u overloading urself, u need more rest Nandini, not more work.

The last part got to Nandini as she got to know the reason for his sudden change of mind, and she realized that he was correct. She simply nodded at him before smiling at the people in front of her as she resumed her talk.
Nandini: Ohk so that's set. Mr. Malhotra would be the one in place of Mr. Dhawan, and the rest goes the same. U all can now get back to your work, Have a good day.

A murmur filled up the room as they all walked out one after the other, after wishing Manik, Nandini and Cabir. Nandini took a seat as soon as the room got vacated as Cabir opened up the files in front of him signing off the final documents. Manik walked behind Nandini as he softly caressed her hair, before moving his hand to her forehead as he started giving her a head massage. 

Nandini looked up at him with a soft loving smile on her face as she relaxed and let him continue.
Manik: U fine?

Nandini: Absolutely...

Manik: Let's go out somewhere for lunch?
Manik asked her softly, noticing that they were already near the lunch time.

Nandini: I have a client meeting at 2:30.

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