Part 9

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Manik: And would u hv agreed to anyone here on the party or just bcoz it was me asking u for it...

Nandini looked up right into his eyes processing his words when the song changed and she was passed by him upto dhruv.

Dhruv: So, u finally r onto the dance floor.

Nandini: Yeah... I guess someone really didn't leave me with any choice.
Nandini replied giggling.

Both of them danced singing up the lyrics and enjoying when Nandini noticed him stealing glances at Aliya.
Nandini: U really Love her, don't u??

Dhruv looked at her as his smile disappeared and he asked slowly,
Dhruv: Is it that obvious??

Nandini: I guess so!! But I think not to her. Why don't u express it to her or ask her?

Dhruv: I don't want to loose her as a friend....

Nandini: And u r ready to loose the chance to hv her as more than a friend??

The song changes and the partners changed again when Nandini said to Dhruv,
Nandini: Think about it??

She was soon passed onto Abhi,
Abhi: And here comes the most beautiful lady of the entire party!!

Nandini: Really?? Even more beautiful than Mukti!!
Nandini asked him teasingly which made him smile shyly.

Abhi: Well that depends, if u want to keep this to urself then yes... And if this is about my real opinion, then I think I don't really count Mukti when I compliment anyone, she is always the best one for me.... Just the Best!!

Nandini: Aww... The Flirt just changed into a Lover Boy!!

Abhi: Plz don't tell anyone... U know, it doesn't go with the image man...

Nandini laughed up at him and again she was passed forward, this time to Cabir.
Cabir: Well Hi again Nandini....

Nandini: If u really think i don't know what u just did, then u r highly mistaken Mr. Cabir Dhawan.

Cabir: Me... What did I do???
Cabir said making a puppy face.

Nandini: OMG... Cabir is innocent, wow, and I hv two horns on my head, right?

Cabir grinned at her sarcastic comment only to find her rolling her eyes.

Nandini: I will get my day cabir... And I promise to irritate the crap out of u!!

Cabir laughed at it and soon passed her on as she moved to Harsh.
Harsh: The arrangements are amazing Nandini....

Nandini: Thank u Sir!!

Harsh: U really managed to handle this bunch,  I m impressed...

Nandini giggled at him and looked back at the others.
Nandini: They r not as bad...

Harsh: Absolutely... Not bad at all, but a lot more difficult. Especially my son!!

Nandini: I don't think I would agree to u on this sir... I didn't find him that difficult.

Harsh widened his eyes a bit in surprise before glancing up at Manik and shifting back to Nandini. A broad smile spread on his face as he slowly said,

Harsh: Well by ur words I m guess that maybe HE DID ACTUALLY LET U HAVE UR WAY THROUGH HIM.... U did something which none of us could ever do!!

Confusion crossed Nandini's face as she was again passed on further, this time to some stranger she thought she recognised from earlier when Manik had introduced her.

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