Part 31

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The day at work passed on exceptionally busy for Nandini. Though the deadline was after three days but she wanted to finish it off right them anyhow, it was around 5:45 in the evening, i.e., 15 mins before the working hours finish.

She checked through the entire thing and then frowned,
Nandini: Not working guys.... We hv to finish this off today itself!

"Ma'am this is hardly gonna take around 2 hours, we can finish it tmrw mrng as soon as we come."
A guy said slowly, trying to gauge her expressions.

"Well, if its really just the matter of two hours then I don't see any problem in finishing it off today itself!"
Nandini said smiling at him as she sighed.

Nandini: Come on guys.... Lets just take a break of fifteen minutes, then I don't want u all making this boring. We'll all take up the conference room and lets finish this off together.

All of them nodded at her clearly not liking the idea at all but still they had to agree. Nandini left her cabin, taking all her stuff to the conference room with a new determination.

Exactly 15 minutes later, all the others the office left when Nandini heard a knock on the conference room door.

"Come in!"
Nandini called out and the door opened as her team of five, four guys and one girl, entered the room only to hv their jaws drop.

Nandini: What? Come on in guys.... I said na we won't make it boring!

All of them gave her broad smiles as they got in shutting the door behind them. There on the center of the big table were all sorts of food and drinks waiting for them. From juices, to coffee, to beer and delicious food, while the rest of the table was empty for them to work. Nandini picked up a remote as she turned on some new amazing music making them smile broader. She kept the volume average for them to work as well.

Nandini: Ohk guys, now consider this as some casual get together were we hv to finish off work as well..... Just chill, relax and keep on going.

"Sure Ma'am!!" came a smiling reply to her.

Nandini: Call me Nandini.... As I said, this is gonna be casual!

With this they started work and as Nandini had expected it was going quite well, actually faster than their usual. About an hour passed away with all of them working well. All five of them sitting and staring straight into their laptops and sheets preparing the design while Nandini decided to stick to the manual designing, sitting at the end of the table with sheets spread in front of her.

She was sitting their concentrating hard on her work, a pencil stuck between her lips as she took angles on the plans noting down some stuff when her phone rang. Nandini ignored it ringing for a while as it silenced only to start ringing again.

"Nandini, ur phone!" said Diya, the girl on the team.

"Yeah... Just plz check who is it na!" nandini muttered absentmindedly as she frowned at some angles on the previous designs.

Diya picked up the the phone and saw Manik's smiling face flashing on the screen making her get back to her professional mood.
Diya: Ma'am its Manik Sir!

Nandini still engrossed in her work didn't realise this change as she said,
Nandini: Pick it up and keep it on speaker plz Diya!

Diya along with the other four alerted as they looked at Nandini, who didn't pay heed to any of it when Diya kept the phone on the table near Nandini and received the call.

Manik: I m on my way Nandini, get ready in five!
Manik said directly without even waiting for her reply when Nandini suddenly asked confused,

Nandini: On ur way? To where....
She said holding the pencil in between her teeth.

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