Part 74

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Both Manik and Nandini were deep in sleep that night when Manik woke up by the noise of Nandini's phone ringing on the bedside table. He looked down at Nandini, finding her sound asleep on his chest as he stretched his arm and got hold of her phone. Immediately turning it on silent, he saw Rishab's face flashing on the screen.

He frowned at it before picking up the call as he noticed that it was 1:30 in the night.

Manik: Champ?
He whispered into the phone, in a worried tone.

Rishab: Yes Jiju!!

Manik: What happened? Are u alright?

Rishab: Umn... Yeah, I m fine! I was just wondering if it's possible for me to just crash there at the Malhotra Mansion tonight?

Manik rubbed his eyes knowing something wasn't right but still he spoke up,
Manik: Of course, u can come over. But don't go there, head over to our flat instead, we are both here.

He heard silence from the other end for a few seconds before rishab agreed and said that he would reach in 10 minutes. Manik looked back down at Nandini and decided not to wake her up as he slowly got her to lay on his side and got off the bed. He moved out of the room and headed towards their living room, waiting for Rishab.

It was not too long before he heard a faint knock on the front door and opened up the door to see Rishab looking all messed up.
Manik: Hey come on in!

Rishab entered inside and sat as Manik locked the door before joining in.
Rishab: Di??

Manik: She is asleep... I thought u would better like to sleep than to answer her questions right now, u know how insistent she could get.

A chuckle erupted Rishab's mouth as he nodded,
Rishab: That's Di...

Manik gave him a small smile when Rishab spoke up again,
Rishab: I m really sorry Jiju, I woke u up so late and disturbed-

Manik interrupted him immediately, keeping a hand on his shoulder as he patted his back.
Manik: Hey champ... There are no formalities between Family okay! If u wanna talk about it, then I m here... And if not, then u can sleep it off before ur sister drills it out of u tmrw mrng...

Rishab sighed at it rubbing his hands on his face,
Rishab: Its quite late.... I think I would call it a night.

Manik stared at him for a few moments before he nodded and got up moving towards the rooms. He showed Rishab the room right in front of their room, the one which he used to sleep in a few months back. Lending him a couple of his own clothes, Manik wished him a good night.

Rishab nodded at him and was about to close the door when Manik stopped him as he spoke up,
Manik: Rishab, I have told this to u before as well, and I m repeating it to u. This right here is ur family and no matter what u'll always find ur Di and me right next to u to lean on.... Don't give much thought to anything okay, just go to sleep, we'll talk tmrw.

Rishab smiled broadly at him as he hugged him. Manik wished him again before entering his room. He closed the door behind his back and crawled into the bed slowly, not wanting to wake Nandini up. Lying on his side, he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to himself, making her back cuddle into his chest as he placed a soft kiss on her hair before drifting back to sleep.

Nandini opened up her eyes, shielding herself from the early morning Sunlight. Snnugling further into Manik she wished to escape the sun but unfortunately, she was facing the windows. She tried to turn around in Manik's arm but found him deep in his sleep, his face lost in her silky traces as he spooned her with his arm tight around her waist.

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