Part 65

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Manik: The reports is all what u show me here perfectly but come on everyone.... Get me something different! Get me something new!

Manik said to everyone as they sat in the conference room, with all the departmental heads of the RM Heights. He turned towards Harsh and spoke up,

Manik: What do u think Dad? All we have been doing these past months is making someone's office, someone's house, and so on...... Lets get something different this time!

Harsh nodded at him and looked around towards everyone.
Harsh: Find ur inspiration. Find something that u willing want to do and not something that we make for others. Look around, search for contracts, that make u happy!

Nandini: Or maybe make one?
Nandini spoke up making Harsh turn towards him.

Harsh: Make what?

Nandini: Sir, U said look around for contracts..... I think maybe its time for us to make one ourselves!

Harsh: What do u mean Nandini?

Nandini turned her gaze from Harsh to Cabir, as he nodded subtly at her.
Nandini: Sir... I have an idea! Or u can call it a proposal for our next project. Its just something I think we could do, and I wanted to present it to u all, if u allow me...

Harsh: Sure... Go ahead plz, lets hear it out!
Harsh nodded at her professionally, as Manik looked at her confused. He bent closer to her and whispered softly,
Manik: What are u doing?

Nandini: Just hear it out and think okay? I told u I'll show it to u once i finish...
Nandini whispered back before she walked ahead in the front and connected her laptop to the projector. Harsh raised his brows at Manik, asking him about it while manik simply replied with a shrug.

Nandini: Gentlemen! We all know Mumbai is one of the best cities in India. The most elite city, the most happening one, and above all one of the prime attraction for tourists. So u answer me, if u are not from this city, and u just come here once for a vacation, what would be ur first choice to stay?

"Taj!", someone mentioned making Nandini smile.

Nandini: Exactly... The Taj!!! And if we side step the international popularity that the Hotel received because of the 26/11 attack, one of major reasons of why Taj is such a great name is because it symbolizes the heritage of our country. The major attraction to Taj has always been the rich Indian Heritage that it shows, along with the most elite atmosphere, right front the first day it opened its doors in 1903. So why can't we out-step that.

Harsh: Out step as in?

Nandini: By bringing out the traditional India, and blending it with the modern world. A 7 star hotel!! Attracting everyone closer by just taking them back to the past. It will be one of a kind and that would make it grander for us. Probably, the biggest project of RM Heights till date.....

As Nandini said this, she noticed the stunned faces all around her. It took her a minute, to get over her self consciousness as she opened up her idea on the screen.
Nandini: The initial idea that I m trying to point out here is....

She showed them the various tits and tats that she had designed for the project, pointing out to the most finest details, and even the major structures. She pulled out her sheets for them, before lying them all down on the table as she presented all that she had designed and imagined and made. No one in the room spoke even a word as they took in the entire thing, going through the designs and the details. After speaking for about 40-45 mins, Nandini finally stood there looking at all their reactions only to be greeted with absolute Silence all around.

Nandini: So.... What do u all think?


She looked primarily at Harsh and Manik as she asked them again,
Nandini: Sir??? Manik???

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