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Ohk, so here's a thing!!!!

No matter house much u people like my work or u don't. But I put a lot of my efforts and time into this. And It's definitely not for someone to copy it and post it on their name. All it takes for them is to do a Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V when I m spending hours together to come up with just a single chapter....

So there was this account drmyra in which this story was being posted exactly word by word by some other name. Like seriously, even the description was copied.

Thanks to sunshineineve for letting me know about this. I bashed on the account holder making her delete it. This time I hvn't reported her account but I won't accept this kind of practises ever....
Now, moving past it.... I know a lot of u have been eagerly waiting for the next part from a long time. And I m seriously sorry for the delay but I was quite busy in something very important. There was this National Level Competition, named Smart India Hackathon in which my project got selected. I was busy preparing for it from the past two weeks, the event was on 2nd and 3rd of March, for which my center was Chennai....

I m currently on my way to Pondicherry for a day before I head back home.

Anyways, the next will be up by day after tmrw and I will try my best to keep up to all ur hopes and make it as better as it can get.😘😘😘😘


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