Part 95

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The very next day, MaNan were on their way to work, with Nandini humming onto an old song, her eyes closed as she rested her head on the back of her seat. Manik's hand was always rested on her thigh, with her fingers lightly woven together with his.

Manik: So, how are u planning to convince Dad?

Nandini: Me? Why would I ever want to do all that alone? U are gonna help me right?
Nandini asked raising her eyes at him when she saw him give her a broad teasing smile as he shook his head.

Manik: Ur idea, u have to do the work! I m already flooded with the year-end work, the last thing I need right now is arguing with Dad over something like this.

Nandini rolled her eyes at him swatting his arm,
Nandini: U r flooded with work because u were too lazy to finish it all off before time. Seriously, both Cabir and you make me wonder how u two are handling such a massive empire.

Manik: First of all... It's not the two, it's the three of us including you. And secondly, we are not that bad and even if we are, we have u to deal with us.

Nandini scoffed at his answer turning her gaze to the window as she thought over it.
Nandini: Do u think I should just burst the bomb on his head directly at the board meeting, or should I go and try to convince him properly beforehand.

Manik: Second option! Both of us know what Dad's initial reaction is going to be, so breaking it up in front of the board members will lead to a whole new set of drama, and believe me, we would never want that.

Nandini huffed in agreement, knowing that this was actually all on her, as her husband is gonna prove himself good-for-nothing this time. Well she knew that it would a first for him, but it still made her complain inside her head.

The rest of the drive went on in silence and soon Manik pulled into the RM Height's parking lot. As they moved out of the car and into the lift Manik wrapped his arm around her waist and whispered to her.

Manik: Try to talk him into it later today! He is gonna be in for some signatures later this afternoon, use the opportunity.

Nandini nodded at him in confidence, but the moment he looked at her, he found uncertainty in her eyes.
Nandini: He is gonna right off refuse to me, isn't he?

Manik smiled at her shrugging,
Manik: Would it really matter that much to u, if he agrees?

Nandini nodded at him immediately, before adding,
Nandini: I really want to do this Manik. I have the entire image revolving in my head, ever since the idea first popped up.

Manik smiled at her kissing her forehead softly,
Manik: U have that oldie wrapped around ur finger babe... Even if he refuses, try to show him how much this matters to u. The owner of RM Heights might refuse to the Head of Design but Harsh Malhotra won't stand a chance in front of Nandini.

Nandini smiled softly at him nodding just as they reached their floor. As the door of the lift slid open, Nandini attempted to move out only for Manik to hold her back as he whispered to her,
Manik: I Love You!

Nandini looked up to find a thousand emotions glittering in his eyes, making a her tighten her grip on their entwined hands as she let silence play it's roll between the two of them. Soon he pulled him out of the lift as they walked to her cabin. 

Manik: I'll see u soon?
Manik asked her making her nod at him.

Nandini: I don't have any other outdoors today or any site visits. Have a lot of designs to work on for the new year.

Manik: I would tell u that u still have a lot of time before u have to start it, but I know u like being ahead of ur time schedule, so go on. But yes, don't forget to pop in my cabin a few times, or I'll end up missing u again.

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