Part 75

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Soon after breakfast, Rishab left for home as MaNan got ready for work. Side music was flowing inside the car as Nandini too sang along with the radio slowly. Her hand entwined with Manik's on her lap as he drove.

Manik: Did u really mean that?
Manik asked suddenly making Nandini turn towards him in confusion.

Nandini: What?

Manik: What you said to Rishab! About talking to the Kapoors?

Nandini sighed at it and nodded slowly as Manik glanced at her before concentrating back to the road.

Manik: U do know that interfering in their matter is never gonna end well for u, right?

Nandini: I know... But think about the possibilities na. One they agree to me and leave Rishu alone for his studies, which is quite difficult. And the second they don't agree to me and this turns into another one of our massive fights, at least it'll take their attention off Rishu for a few days. Nothing there for me to lose...

Manik nodded at her and continued,
Manik: Want a small advice?

Nandini raised her eyes at his serious tone but nodded softly,
Nandini: Sure!

Manik: Ask Rishab to go to Mr. Kapoor's office and try to talk him out of this. I think he'll react much better in the absence of Mrs. Kapoor. I know u wanna deal with it, but u have to let Rishab go Nandini. He isn't a kid anymore for u to take up his battles, he needs to grow and u have to step back to let him grow!

Nandini thought about his words for a few minutes as they continued their journey to work. Soon they reached, Nandini got down the car and stood there waiting for Manik as he parked. Manik walked closer to her, placing his hand on the small of her back as they walked ahead,
Manik: Relax... Stop overthinking!

They walked in together nodding and greeting everyone on their way. As soon as they entered the lift Nandini spoke up,
Nandini: I guess, u r right! I need to make Rishab try this out on his own before I step in.

Manik smiled at her words before kissing her forehead.
Manik: I knew u would take the right decision. 

Nandini hummed at him, leaning into his arms sideways as Manik held onto her possessively. They reached their floor as Nandini straightened up and walked out of the lift along with him. 

Nandini: Don't wait for me to get ur Lunch okay! Call cabir in. I have to be there for a site visit this afternoon, I m thinking to finish that off and go home directly to get stuff done before the party.

Manik raised his eyes as her words his mouth opened up for something only for Nandini to play her hand over his lips,
Nandini: Before u start whining I need to remind u that we r at the office. Everyone out here is gonna find it quite amusing to have their boss behaving like a child.

Manik took her hand away from his mouth as they reached her cabin and Nandini stopped,
Manik: As if I care what they think. It's my wife I m talking to, I can behave the way I wish to.

Nandini shook her head at him and unlocked her door as she told him,
Nandini: Now go and work! 

Manik smiled at her with a nod before bending down as he placed a kiss on her cheek.
Manik: Don't forget to come and see me before leaving... See u later Mrs. Malhotra!

Nandini blushed as she saw him walking to his cabin and looked around to surely find a few employees hiding their smiles and looking away. With a last glance at her husband's back, she opened up the door and got inside her cabin.


Manik: Nandini... Are u done? It's time!
Nandini heard Manik knock the door of the washroom a couple of times as he said.

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