Part 2

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Precap: Aliya Broken... Fab5 trying to console​ her.... Appearance of an unknown girl.... She cheers up Aliya and then disappears again leaving everyone confused about her identity.

Part 2:
That night the entire Fab5 decided to stay at Aliya's place as her parents were not in town and they still didn't know how Aliya might be feeling when she wakes up. Dhruv picked up Aliya in his arms and took her to her room making sure not to wake her up. The other three preferred to give him some time clearly knowing his feelings towards her. Yes, Dhruv loved Aliya, but neither did he know what she feels and nor did he ever express it to anyone else. But as it is said, Best Friends don't need ur words to know ur feelings. Same was the case with Mukti, Cabir and Manik, they always knew it but decided to give him his time.

Dhruv made Aliya comfortable on her bed and sat next to her caressing her face with all his love.
Dhruv: It's he who has lost the world's best girl... U!!! Don't hurt urself for someone who didn't even deserve ur love.

He slowly kissed her forehead and walked out of the room, moving downstairs.

Mukti: How is She?? Still asleep...

Dhruv: Yeah.... I hope she is fine till the morning!!

Mukti: Guys.. I m going to sleep in Aliya's room... U all take up the guest rooms.

Manik: Cool!!

Soon they all disappeared Dhruv took a separate room while Manbir decided to share one. They changed into comfortable tracks when Cabir saw Manik standing in the balcony.
Cabir: Manik.... What happened??

Manik: Nothing bro.. U sleep, I'll join u in sometime...
Saying so manik moved out of the room and went to the pool side. He lied down on a bench, gazing up at the stars. He was damn angry as someone had hurt his best friend so much, but he knew before thinking all this he needed to make sure that Aliya was fine.

He kept on lying there, admiring the silent night and trying to find his peace in the stars when suddenly a face flashed in front of his eyes and unknowingly a smile crept on his face. Yes, it was the same mystery girl who had calmed Aliya down. And the only question up on his mind was,

Manik: Who was She??

He kept on thinking about how she came, how she sang for Aliya, how she cheered her up in between the song, how she scolded her for thinking all the rubbish.
Her beautiful duo eyes, pouty lips, cute angry pouts, everything seemed to be stuck onto his mind. He shaked his head to let go of her thoughts but nothing worked. And above everything else what caught him the most was her melodious voice, which kept on ringing in his head. And then her sudden good bye was what disturbed him as she clearly seemed pissed off with whomever she was talking to over that call.

All he knew at that point of time was that he wanted to know who she was and definitely thank her for what she did for his friend, Aliya. After all, the Fab5 never takes any favours from strangers. With that thought, he moved back to the room and soon sleep took over on to him.

The next morning Aliya woke up to find Mukti sleeping next to her. She got up from the bed and got ready not willing to disturb her. Soon she moved downstairs to see Dhruv sitting and having coffee.

Aliya: Hey Good Morning!! U here??

Dhruv heard her and turned towards her with a smile as he replied,
Dhruv: Hi... Good Morning!! Yeah, all of us decided to stay back as it was quite late last night. U slept well??

Aliya: Yeah...

Cabir: Morning guys....
Cabir said as he walked out of the room with Manik.

Manik moved towards Aliya and took her in a side hug.
Manik: U fine??

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