Part 72

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"Manik Malhotra.... I Love U! I Love U very very much! And I may have taken what seems like a little less than forever to realize this, but I promise that I m gonna love u to the time that is gonna be a little more than what Forever is."

A small smile crept onto Manik's face as her words resonated in his head. He wished he could go a few hours back and record her expressi8on while she confessed to him. But then he didn't actually need it, coz it was imprinted in his mind to stay along with his forever. Opening up his eyes, he used his hand to shield himself from the sunlight coming in through the windows as he looked down to find Nandini all snuggled up into him with her head rest on his chest. She still seemed deep in her sleep, the most peaceful expression on her face.

He didn't stop himself as he caressed her cheek softly, tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ears. Her eyes fluttered open slowly as she looked at him staring at her and again closed her eyes with a smile on her face,
Nandini: Good Morning!

Manik: Good Morning to u too.... 
Manik replied back to her as he placed a kiss on her hair while Nandini finally opened up her eyes properly and looked straight at him.

Nandini: How long have u been awake?

Manik: A few minutes...
Manik replied with a smile tucking another strand of hers away from her face.

Nandini: U could have woken me up!

Manik: And miss the opportunity of staring at u uninterrupted?? No Thank u!
His reply made her blush as she turned her gaze away from his, only to glance at the time as her eyes broadened.

Nandini: SHIT... Manik we are late for work! Its 8:30....

She lifted herself off him to rush only for him to hold her hand as he pulled her back, making her face right onto his chest with his arms wrapped around her waist.
Manik: Its fine na... Lets take an Off today! We can spend sometime alone.

Nandini looked up straight into his eyes, his idea seeming quite nice but still shook her head.
Nandini: Manik.... I just joined work back like 4 days ago. I can't go on skipping work like this na. Everyone will think I m taking advantage of having my Father in Law and Husband as my Boss.

Manik: One.... I m not ur boss, that's Dad! U, me and Cabir are on the same level. And Two.... Obviously u r taking advantage of me, look at urself right now, laid on top of me!!
Manik said with a smirk, tightening his grip around her waist while Nandini's eyes broadened at the meaning of his words.

Nandini: Manik!! Shut up....
She exclaimed slapping his chest while manik chuckled at her reddened face.

Nandini: Now leave me... We are going to work and I have to hurry or we'll be late.

Manik frowned at her words not letting go until Nandini made a puppy face in front of him making him release her. Nandini smiled broadly at this as she lifted herself off him and stood up from the bed. She turned to face him and bent lower placing a chaste kiss on his cheek,
Nandini: Thank u... I love u!

A million dollar smile came onto Manik's face as she stood back up and rushed towards the washroom.
Nandini: Get Ready Fast....


Half an hour later, Nandini rushed down the stairs struggling to wear her ear rings as she saw Harsh sitting on the dining table drinking his juice as he read the news paper.
Nandini: Morning Dad... Sorry Sorry I m late!

 Sorry Sorry I m late!

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