Part 44

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The next morning, Manik woke up by a slight poke on his arm. He opened up his eyes to find cabir standing right next to him.

Manik: Cabir??

Cabir: Shh...
Cabir said asking him to be silent as he pointed towards Nandini. Manik followed his gaze and saw Nandini sleeping by his side, cuddling into his chest to hide her face from the sunlight.

Cabir: I knocked but u didn't open up so I had to come in.... Could u plz step out!
Cabir whispered to him earning a soft nod from Manik.

As Cabir moved out Manik looked down back at Nandini, caressing her face softly. He moved her head onto the pillow, making sure not to wake her up and got up from the bed after covering her with the duvet. Closing the curtains properly, he planed a soft kiss on her forehead before moving to the washroom. He freshened up a little and moved out of the room.

He moved out to find Cabir waiting for him in the living room.
Manik: Hey... Good mrng!

Cabir: Morning.... Here! Coffee....

He took the cup from him and settled down when Cabir spoke up,
Cabir: Sorry by the way.... Didn't mean to enter in like that, but was urgent!

Manik: Come on yr... Chill! Its ohk.... What happened?

Cabir: Call ur Mom..... Aunty has been sick worried since the morning. U were missing and not even attended ur phone. She even called up Nandini, but didn't get any reply there either.

Manik: Crap!
Manik muttered taking out his phone to find 15 missed calls from his Mom, 3 from his Dad and one msg from Rishab, asking about Nandini.

He immediately got up from there and called up Nyonika.
Nyonika: Hello Manik...
Came nyonika's worried voice from the other side making him feel further guilty of her worry.

Manik: Yes Mom... I m so so so sorry for all ur worry!

Nyonika: Oh no son... I m so glad u r just fine!  Cabir told me u r at his place but I so wanted to talk to u once.

Manik: Yeah I m fine... I should hv msged u, but something just came up and I had to leave, I'll tell u everything once I get home Okay?
Manik said rubbing his hair through his hand.

Nyonika: Yeah sure... Its fine!

Manik: Bye Mom!
He disconnected the call, and dropped Rishab a msg before keeping his phone aside.

Cabir: Everything fine?
Manik joined back Cabir on the sofa and shook his head in a No.

Manik: No its not.... Something is very much wrong! And the worst part is that I don't even know what is it..... I just found Nandini in this almost Abandoned colony park nearly Bandra station, at almost 2 in the night....

Cabir: What?

Manik: Right... That too in a completely broken state, like totally shattered! Nothing that I would hv ever imagined for a girl as strong headed as her. Believe me Cabir, Nandini of all people has gone through so so much in her life that her breaking apart like this is something I can't just take in...

Cabir: What happened? What did she say?

Manik: I don't know what happened.... She was missing from home past midnight when Rishab called me and after all that finding her scene, I was so glad to have her back in my arms safe that I didn't push her much last night. I wanted her to have some rest before we talked it out.

Putting his head onto his palms Manik took a deep breath while Cabir patted his back.

Cabir: Chill Manik.... I m sure u'll get her pass through whatever this is! Just relax okay.... I'll make u a cup of coffee for her, then go and wake her up!

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