Part 22

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Nandini: But I don't want to go home.... I want to dance!!!
Nandini whined as the other got up to leave the club.

Rishab: Di.... Its 2 am!! And u r quite drunk.

Nandini: No... I m not drunk!!
Nandini said as she got up from the chair and stood straight.

Nandini: See I m not drunk....
She smiled broadly, her eyes almost dropping close as she took a step forward, only to fumble as her leg twisted and fall into a rock hard chest.

Manik: Nandini.... Come lets go!!

Nandini looked up to see herself into Manik's chest as she smiled,
Nandini: Manik.... Come lets dance!

She held his hand and stood straight as he pulled him forward.

Manik: Nandini...wait!! Nandini listen to me!!!
Manik said but she didn't listen to him at all...

Manik: Umn guys... Listen up, u all head back. Mukti has already passed out so I don't think u should wait anymore.... I will get Nandini in some time.
Manik said as he controlled Nandini who kept on pulling him.

Dhruv: But buddy-

Manik: Dhruv chill... U just get everyone home, safe. Take booth the cars, I'll manage here.
Dhruv nodded at him and along with the others while Rishab's eyes were fixed at Nandini.

Manik: Chill Rishab... She'll be fine!
Manik said noticing him. Rishab heard him and smiled broadly as he shook his head in a No.

Rishab: U don't even hv to say Bhaiya.... I know she'll be fine! There has to be some reason, why Di trusts u so much....

Manik gave him a small smile as he followed Nandini to the dance floor while the others left the club. As they reached the dance floor Nandini turned to face him when bright lights shined right in front of her eyes making her stumble backwards.

Manik: Woah!!

Manik exclaimed as he wrapped both his hands around her waist pulling her forward, making her bang into his chest, her face stopping right an inch away from his.

Nandini looked up at him, her eyes opening up slowly meeting his chocolaty brown ones. She held his gaze fixed with hers as Manik held her firmly pressed up himself, her nose pressed against his.

Her sweet flowery scent mixed with a bit of alcohol hit his nose getting him into a daze. Manik moved one of his hand off her back, still supporting her with the other.

His warm fingers moved all through her arms from her fingers, moving up over her soft milky skin, sending shivers down her spine. He moved his hand slowly to her neck as he cupped her face, digging his fingers into her hair.

His eyes darkening, fading away the loud music as he leaned in further closer. His lips were just about to touch hers when he heard her whine.
Nandini: Manik.... Dance na! Leave me, I want to dance!

Manik snapped out of his reverie as he suddenly pulled both his hands off her, stepping back. His breathing was harsh, almost as if just finished a run when he noticed Nandini move a bit away swaying along with the music, totally oblivious to her surroundings.

Manik's Pov:
Shit..... Shit..... Was I actually going to kiss her?? God Manik, what has happened to u?? This is Nandini, ur best friend, she has to be the last person whom u would want to hurt by just randomly kissing her in the middle of a club.

She is not just some random girl that u would forget. She is Nandini!!

I can not even think about kissing her let alone actually doing so... Gosh, she is so drunk, I can't even begin to imagine what would hv happened tommorow if I had actually kissed her. She would hv hated me. And above all hurt for trusting me so much!

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