Part 35:

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Manik: Mom seriously.... This is not the time!

Nyonika: Manik I said now means now....

Manik: But Mom listen-
Manik continued saying when the line went blank as Nyonika hung up the call on him.

It had been three days since the breakfast that Nandini had with the Malhotra's and Now Manik sat their in his cabin staring at his phone with a helpless look on his face.

He looked all around him at the files spread in his cabin before sighing in defeat as he got up. He moved out of his cabin and informed his secretary,
Manik: Puneet, cancel my others meetings for today. I m leaving!

The guy nodded at him as he saw Manik already moving ahead and enter Nandini's cabin. Manik barged into the cabin to see Nandini in a small meeting with two of the members of her team. He recognised both of them to be the guys who stayed back with her a few days back as the guys immediately stood up on seeing him.

"Good afternoon sir!!"
They wished him earning a slight nod from Manik when Nandini spoke up.

Nandini: Hey... What's up?

Manik: We hv to go!
Manik said directly coming to the point making Nandini's eyes broaden.

Nandini: Huh?

Manik: Now Nandini....
He said moving closer to her as he closed off her laptop ignoring the widening eyes of the two guys.

Nandini: Manik, I hv work! And we both hv a meeting to attend in an hour.
Nandini said checking the time.

Manik: Chill, I cancelled it...
Manik shrugged it off before keeping her laptop in her bag and picking up her phone  from the table.

Nandini: But what's so important that u had to cancel the meeting.

Manik: Mom called. She wants me home now.... With U!

Nandini's eyes broadened at his words.

Manik: U coming?
He asked finally straightening up with her stuff. Nandini sighed at him as she turned towards the guys.

Nandini: Ohk guys... Get back to work, we'll continue this later. I want to see the design drafts by tmrw! We have-

Manik: Ohk leave the rest for later, u both can go now!
Manik said interrupting her as he held her hand and pulled her out of the room.

Nandini stumbled in her steps before matching his pace as he pulled her into the elevator.
Nandini: Manik... Why r u in so much hurry?

Manik: Mom and Dad r waiting for us....

Nandini: And?
Nandini asked knowing that he wasn't finished yet. Manik turned towards her with a serious face when the lift reached down stairs and they moved out. Manik walked towards his car and they got in when he said,

Manik: She is waiting for us with a Pandit. He is invited to choose a date for our wedding...

Nandini: Oh...
Nandini whispered looking away as Manik asked in disbelief.

Manik: U r fine with it?

Nandini: I guess I m.... We only told them that we were planning it soon right! Are u not fine with it?

Manik: Of course I m... I just thought that maybe u won't be that fine!
Manik said sighing in relief.

Nandini smiled at his concern as she replied.
Nandini: Manik..... We hv decided to get married, all the proceedings will hv to go on right?

Manik: Right.... Ohk then let's go see when is the big day!
Manik smiled broadly at her as he moved his hand from the gear box to her knee. An instant feeling of warmth came up to Nandini. She had always loved his hand on her knee when he drove, it gave her the belief of his presence inside her and around her.

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