Part 79

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Turn. Toss. Sigh. Turn. Repeat.

Nandini groaned in frustration as she sat up and turned to look at the time, 2 am.

Nandini: I hate u, Manik Malhotra!
She grumbled into the darkness of their room before lying back down on the bed.

She picked up her phone from the side table and dialed the only number in her quick dial list. The annoying dial tone continued 3 times before the call was finally connected. Before anyone could reply to her Nandini started,
Nandini: Don't be surprised if I decide to Kick u out of the room for the rest of ur life. If there is anyone that I hate the most at this point of time then it's u and I don't care how much to plead, I m Never going to sleep with u ever again.

There was complete silence on the other side of the phone for a few seconds before she heard a loud laughter followed by a sharp bang as more people joined in the laughing fit.

"Fuck off guys!!"
She heard an all too familiar voice as the laughter increased.

She waited for anyone to say something but no one seemed to remember her for about 3 minutes making her already tired self further angry.

Nandini: What the hell is happening???
She groaned in frustration finally taking in their attention.

"Hey... Give me my phone man!" She heard Manik say.

"Sorry dude... Not so easily! This is way too amazing than what I imagined it to be."
She heard an unfamiliar voice reply as she sat up on the bed.

"Ohk so before anything else, Nandini... From your amazing greeting, I take it that u r already quite angry and before this anger goes out of hand, I would like to apologize. We were just playing these random useless games, one amongst which was to pick up the first call after 2 on speakerphone. Unfortunately, ur husband got stuck in this and so in turn u."

"That's bullshit! Who are u anyways?" She asked still quite frustrated as well as embarrassed from the drama.

"Oh, I m sorry! I m Ayan, the organizer of this tour."

Nandini groaned on the phone as she heard a few chuckles on the other end.

Cabir: By the way before anyone forgets... Nandini!! That was amazing. Literally amazing.

Nandini rolled her eyes at this as she muttered,
Nandini: Thanks Cabir... I m glad u enjoyed it.

Mukti: Sure Nandini... Just watching all the color drain out of Manik's face made it worth everything.

Manik: Shut up Mukti...

She rested her back on the headboard looking up at a picture of the two of them on the wall, wanting nothing but to have him in front of her at that point.

Ayan: "Uhm, anyways if it's not too personal, do u mind me asking what happened that has risked the existence of the future Malhotra generations??"

Nandini: What??

Ayan: Well, as u just said: "I don't care how much to plead I'm Never going to sleep with u ever again."

He said her words in a high pitched sharp voice making Nandini roll her eyes.

Nandini: I do not sound like that! And I m not answering any of ur questions coz I don't know u and for a fact this call is on speaker with god knows how many people as an audience.
Nandini replied in a stern voice, hating the fact that some stranger had Manik's phone when she clearly wanted to talk to just him.

Even though she had opened up quite a lot to Fab5, she was still the same private person who liked to stray clear of strangers, not trusting anyone easily.

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