Part 92

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Nandini: Are u going to tell me, where are we going?
Nandini asked after about half an hour as Manik kept on driving the car.

Manik: U'll see...It's a surprise!

Nandini pouted at his reply and folded her arms in front of her.
Nandini: I don't like surprises...

Manik looked at her with his eyes raised, amused by her impatience,
Manik: U love surprises Nandini! U can't lie to me

Nandini: Well I m not loving it right now, am I? I just don't like this curiosity.
She replied making him chuckle as he took a turn ahead, before parking the car on the side.

Manik: I think u can manage for a few minutes more! We are here...

Nandini smiled broadly at this turned towards the door to open it when Manik held her hand stopping her.
Manik: Wait... I'll open it up for u!

He got out and moved around the car, opening up the door for her as he offered his hand towards her. Nandini smiled up at him and took his hand, getting out of the car as she teased her.
Nandini: It's nice to see u being quite a gentleman today!

Manik: Hey, I m always a gentleman! And I sure do want to make our first date memorable, don't want u running off just after one right?

Nandini: I would not be so sure about a second one if I were u, Mr. Malhotra!

Manik smirked at her, as he moved forward placing his hand at the small of her back as they walked ahead,
Manik: A man can hope Ms. Moorthy!

Nandini rolled her eyes at him as the two of them walked ahead. Nandini noticed hat they were in front of an old building and thought that they would be getting inside but instead, Manik led her towards the side of the building. She could hear the sound of waves crashing together and guessed that they were near the beach somewhere. Knowing well enough that asking would not get her any answer from him, she kept her silence and within minutes she found herself at a quiet beach.

Nandini: U drove for half an hour to get me to a beach when there was one hardly 5 minutes from our hotel?
She asked Manik making him chuckle as he shook his head at her choosing not to reply.

Nandini bent down to take off her heels, but before she could, she felt an arm around her thigh as Manik lifted her up in bridal style making her squeal.
Nandini: Gosh... A warning would have been good Manik!

Manik: What's the fun in that?
Manik asked shrugging casually as he walked ahead carrying her as if she weighed nothing at all.

Nandini wrapped her arms firmly around his neck, resting her head onto his chest, right over his heart enjoying the steady beats like a favorite song. The cool breeze from the ocean made her hair fly around in the back as Manik looked down at her peaceful face, a dazzling smile coming up on his face.
Nandini looked ahead in the direction where he was walking to find the ocean view being disturbed by a row of yachts and boats lined up one after the other. Manik walked ahead as the soft sand from the beach disappeared under the wooden platform leading them towards the fancier and more expensive yachts.

Nandini: Manik... Put me down, I can walk here!
Nandini said softly making Manik chuckle as he shook his head.

Manik: I like u here... And honestly, u are light as a feather Nandini, I seriously need to put more effort into feeding u!

Nandini: Feeding me? I m not a kid Manik! And I m perfectly fit, so thank u very much but I don't need u to eye on my diet now...
Nandini said appalled by his comment while Manik simply gave her an amused look. She noticed his enjoyment and gave him a stink eye. Opening up her mouth she was about to snap at him just as a guy came out in front of them.

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