Part 94

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Manik: Hey... Time to wake up sleeping beauty!!
Manik whispered as he took a seat next to his sleeping wife. He caressed her face lovingly tucking her hair behind her ear placing a soft kiss on her temple.

Manik: Good Morning...

Nandini: Hmn... Morning!
Nandini replied back without opening her eyes as she took hold of his hand between hers and sandwiched it between the pillow and her face, snuggling in the warmth of his hand.

A smile grazed Manik's face at her action as he continued caressing her face with his other hand,
Manik: It's almost time for sunrise! U still want to see it right? Come on wake up...

Nandini opened her eyes a little looking at his fresh smiling face, as she nodded a little in answer.
Manik: Get up then... I'll go prepare some coffee, till then u can freshen up real fast and meet me up at the deck?

Nandini: Ohk!
She replied simply as he got up from the bed. Manik was about to open up the door of the room when he heard her calling him out. He turned around to see her sitting up on the bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Manik: Hmn...

Nandini: I love you!

Manik gave her his broadest smile, that was specially reserved for her, with all  his teeth showing and a bright twinkle in his eyes which made her heart skip a beat.
He walked back to her placing a soft peck on her lips before replying,
Manik: Thank u!

Nandini chuckled at his answer as he moved out of the room, his happiness clear in the skip in his steps. She freshened up soon and walked out of the room. Taking the steps, she walked upstairs. Before she could open up the final door to the deck, it opened up form the other side with a smiling Manik in front of her, though his smile didn't last long as he glanced down at her only to find her in the same T-shirt that she wore to bed.

Manik: What the hell are u wearing?
Manik all but growled at her as he stepped inside, closing the door behind her.

Manik: I left some clothes for u to change into in the washroom.

Nandini frowned at his tone and looked down at herself confused at his sudden change of mood. 
Nandini: I thought I could change later... 

Manik: No... Go change now!

Nandini: But-

Manik: Now Nandini...
He spoke up sternly making Nandini huff as she turned around and walked back to the room in annoyance. 

5 minutes later, she came to the deck to find Manik waiting for her with a steaming cup of coffee. She was still annoyed at him, so she simply snatched the cup from him and walked straight at the far end, leaning onto the railing and enjoying the cold wind. It was till pity dark outside but the little light at the horizon told her that the sun rise was not too far away.

She felt his presence behind her but didn't turn around. He wrapped his free arm around her waist as he stood right behind her.
Manik: I m sorry! That was uncalled for...

Nandini: Yes it was, u-

Nandini was interrupted in her words as another voice spoke from a little behind her.

"Ohh, Good Morning Mrs. Malhotra!"
Nandini turned around to watch Abhay walking towards them with what looked like extra daisy lights that they had used to decorate the place.

Nandini: Umn.. Hi Abhay! I didn't know u were here!

Abhay: Yes Ma'am, I came in a few hours back, u were probably sleeping by then!

Nandini smiled at him politely before turning towards Manik with an understanding look on her face while Manik smiled at her.

Nandini: Oh?

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