Part 90

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The entire group spent the remaining day at the beach. Having fun, running after each other as they played several games and spent some quality time away from the hustle-bustle of their busy life, away from the piercing eyes of their fans and media, just giving time to each other and relaxing. Manik was a bit off but no one seemed to notice it much as he tried to act normal. It was late evening, after the sunset when all of them were walking along the beach towards a party that Cabir knew about. Manik was off at the back with Rishab when Nandini slowed down and walked with them. Rishab skipped to the front leaving the two of them alone as Nandini held onto manik's arm.

Nandini: U know it very well that u can't hide it from me, the fact that it disturbed u.

Manik scoffed at it and looked at the sea.
Manik: I could have fooled myself into thinking so.

Nandini rolled her eyes at him but still said softly.
Nandini: Please just let it go. U know I don't-

Manik: Don't want to do anything about it. Yeah right, I have heard it a hundred times.
Manik snapped at her cutting her off.

Nandini: Manik, it's nothing!

Manik: Well, it's not nothing if it could have almost killed you Nandini. Why? Why didn't u tell me that before? I always thought that at least u fought her off, I can't even imagine the situation now that I know that u weren't standing up to her.

Nandini: Manik... Relax! She was my mother, how do u imagine a little girl standing up to her. Obviously, I started doing that once I got older right.
Nandini said trying to keep her irritation on the discussion in control.

Manik: But why the hell didn't u tell me all of this?

Nandini: Because it was none of your business and I didn't want u to know.
Nandini finally spoke up snapping at him a little as she stepped back leaving his arm. Pulling out her hair in frustration as she looked away from him. Taking a few deep breaths she turned back to face him to watch Manik staring at her with a shocked expression on his face. Guilt immediately filled her up as she tried to speak up but Manik beat her to it.

Manik: None of my Business? This is about you. And things like this about my Wife are supposed to be my fucking business!!!

Nandini: Ma-

Manik: No I have had enough of this conversation... It's no use talking to you.
Manik muttered shaking his head at her as he walked up straight in front, leaving her standing behind stunned. She continued to watch him walk away until he was no longer in sight and neither were any of their friends.

She sighed softly as she looked over at the waves crashing against each other. The serenity of the night fell onto her like a gush of cold water. She stared straight at the horizon, watching the moon reflecting on the dark water. She walked closer to it, locking all her thoughts at the back of her mind, just concentrating on the brightness of the moon as compared to the darkness around her. Ignoring the cheerful voice of the crowd around the beach, she let silence take its place and kept on walking until she felt the cold water hit her feet. She stopped walking when she felt her ankles fully into the water for a few seconds before the waves drew back. Closing her eyes for a few moments she waited for another wave to hit her. Another cold wave hit her making her sigh in content just as it vanished again.

"It never stays back... The reason for your content will also walk away in the same way..."
She heard someone say and opened up her eyes to find a guy standing a couple of steps away from her, looking at her with an observant face as if trying to read her, a beer bottle held in his hands.

Nandini looked back at the horizon just as another wave hit her feet and a smile crept onto her face.

Nandini: The difference here is simply in our eyes. U say it's never gonna stay back, but I find my content in the fact that no matter what it is gonna return back within seconds.

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