Part 67

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Okay so day before yesterday, I was already done with this particular update. But right as I was posting it, some crap happened which somehow resulted in about half of the update disappearing right in front of my eyes🙄🙄🙄🙄 So I unpublished whatever small part was there and had to write the rest all over again (not that I m complaining coz the second version, according to me, turned out to be better). But apologies for the trouble and I seriously do hope u all love this update as much as I do......

Before starting with it..... A really big Thank You to all of u for the amazing response in the last part. I hvn't got time to respond to ur comments yet but that's the first thing I m going to do after posting this up... Thank u very very much for the tremendous love!!!

Some situations in life are so strong that nothing else matters alongside it. Everythings else either feels like to pause or to pass into the background, resulting into only one single thought in our mind.

Its not necessary for these situations to always be a negative one, but if it is then these turn out to be the most dreadful memories of our life.

Minutes turn into hours, hours turn into days and all u have in ur head is that one hope to move out of this situation into something better. Maybe that was what Manik kept on thinking as he sat there by Nandini's side, kissing her forehead for about the hundredth time since the last few days.

He didn't know why, but sitting there and holding her hand was the only thing that was getting him through these days. And even though he could do anything to have her hands get all warm and normal, for now he was fine with those cold ones as it gave him a signal that she was still there, still with him.

It has been 5 days since that dreadful accident, 5 days for Nandini to be in the same state.
"Apart from her broken ribs and dislocated shoulder, she has a massive injury on the back of her head. I m surprised she even made it to the hospital. Even though we have managed to stabilize her, no amount of drugs can take away the unbearable pain from her. We have put her on the medically induced coma, to protect her brain from the trauma, all we have to do is wait for a few days and give her time to heal."

These were the exact words by the doctor as he had informed Manik about Nandini's condition giving a start to the longest 'few days' of his life. And now after 5 days, the doctors finally announced that they were taking her off coma.

He was sitting by her side, holding her hand in his, waiting for her to finally wake up. After what seemed like forever, he finally saw her blinking her eyes open as she winced because of the bright light, taking in his attention.

Manik immediately sprung at his feet as he whispered to her carefully,
Manik: Nandini...

Nandini blinked a few more times before adjusting to the light as her gaze shifted towards Manik. Her face was blank, without any emotion visible except for pain that she must be feeling, but Manik panicked at that blank expression to a whole new level.

Manik: I swear to god, I m gonna kill u if u say that u don't know who am I!!
Manik said slowly, his tone showly mockery but the furious beating of his heart told another story all together.

A laugh erupted Nandini's mouth, turning into a groan within a single second at the pain that she felt.
Nandini: Ma... Manik!

Manik: Shh shh.... Relax babe! Take it slow..
Manik said getting anxious on seeing her in pain.

Nandini: W...Wa.... Water...
Nandini shuttered in her throaty voice, not beibg able to speak clearly.

Manik nodded at her leaving her hand as he moved to fill up a glass of water. Closing his eyes for a minute, Manik took a deep breath, of relief, of nervousness, and all the more of love. Nandini moved to sit up straight only to groan again at the pain as Manik rushed towards her helping her sit, resting her back on the pillows. He helped her drinking water and kept the glass aside. He pressed the button to call the doctor and took a seat on the chair beside her before entwining his hand with hers.

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