Part 32

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"Marry Me Nandini!!!"

Her had whipped towards her instantly as her eyes broadened at his words.
Nandini: What?

Manik: Yes, Marry me Nandini Moorthy!

Nandini heard him say again confirming that she had heard right. She continued looking at it, kinda waiting for him to laugh out loud or say that he was kidding but then the seriousness in his eyes told her otherwise. Her eyes moved off his face as she looked ahead, still the shock clearly visible on her face.

Manik waited for her to say something and respond to him but he stayed shut giving her some time to think about it. Five minutes passed away with literally no words between them when Manik finally broke the silence,
Manik: Nandini say something, what r u thinking?

Nandini: Manik What Are You Thinking?? Are You Mad?
She suddenly shouted as she got up from his side and said,

Nandini: Manik, this is seriously not a joke. Marriage is not a solution, it never is!

Manik sighed at her words and got up as well as he folded his arms on his chest.
Manik: Fine.... Great! So u tell me a solution for this, bcoz one thing is for sure, I don't trust ur parents an ounce!

Nandini groaned at his words and shouted,
Nandini: I hv no solution Manik! The only solution I had was to stay away from India and never come back but see where I m stuck now.... But the thing that u r suggesting, that's impossible.

Manik sighed at her words and calmed himself down.
Manik: So u mean, u r gonna continue living in the same way!

Nandini: Manik ppl change.... They will also ch-chan-change!
Nandini shuttered in her words holding back her tears. Manik walked closer towards her holding her shoulders,

Manik: Till when will u continue this Nandini. U r not convincing me here, u r convincing urself.... In the same way as u hv done all ur life. No matter how much u keep standing strong, I know U love ur mother and it hurts u everytime she looks at u with those hurtful eyes.

Nandini: I don't love her! My love for her vanished the day she choose to abandon her daughter.
Nandini said immediately, her face hardening again.

Manik: Try telling that little girl in u, who is still waiting for her mother to come and hug her tight like nothing ever happened!

Manik saw Nandini's wall breaking down at his words as she kept her gaze fixed to the wall behind him. He knew it was hard for her but he didn't want her hurt in any way. He moved forward wrapping his arms around her as he hugged her.

Manik: Let Go Nandini... Let go!

It took her a few minutes before she hugged him back tight, hiding her face into his chest.
Nandini: Don't do this Manik.... Don't take away the little hope that is left in me for a family. I won't be able to breath anymore, I'll die without it.

Manik grip around her increased at her words. After everything, it again came to the point which he dreaded the most. He couldn't let her break down, he couldn't.

Manik: I m not taking ur hope away Nandini, I m giving u one..... Yes, ppl do change and so can ur mother! She can... I m not denying that!

He whispered to her even though he didn't believe in his own words at all. Family had always been her weakness and he knew he had to handle it well.

Manik: Just hear me out for once plz?

No reply came from Nandini at his words until he felt her nodding slightly into his chest. Manik tried to break the hug to talk to her, when she gripped his shirt tightly into her palm not letting him go. He sighed as he walked her to the bed and sat there, resting his back on the headboard while Nandini still stayed stuck not daring to look up at him or move away. As they settled down Manik said softly,

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