Part 93

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Manik: It's that one... Look that's the brightest.

Nandini: No, that's some other. Look over there, that's the Orion and now looking straight from the center three stars, this one over here is Sirius.

Manik followed her finger as she pointed it up to the sky, joining the stars into constellations and looking for the brightest star, as they lay there on the couch, Manik resting his back on the side, while Nandini got comfortable in between his legs resting her back on his chest with his arm secured around her waist.

After their steamy kiss, Nandini decided to tease him further as she moved out of his arms telling him to behave himself. Manik did nothing but pout making Nandini laugh out loud as she disconnected his phone from the music system and decided that it was time for some stargazing.

Manik was reluctant to give in at first but was given no choice as Nandini pulled him to the couch. Though all his reluctance flew out of the window as he got to pull her back into his arms, holding her close to him. While Nandini had all her attention on the stars up in the beautiful night sky, Manik had his eyes fixed on her, watching the stars twinkle by the shine in her eyes. He was mesmerized by the passion visible on her face as she went on and on about different constellations and naming stars here and there.

Manik: I never knew u were so much into stars!

Nandini smiled at his words glancing at him once before looking back up,
Nandini: I used to spend almost every night under the stars. At first, it was because the 6-year-old me believed it when the warden in my school hostel told me that my father became a star and is watching over me always. There was a little part of me who knew that it was a stupid superstition, but just sitting under the dark sky in silence gave me so much peace and it the reason didn't really matter to me anymore. All through my school life, I hung onto this one habit desperately, it was like my personal heaven. When I moved to London, I was so frustrated by the constant lights all over the city, just because it took these stars away from me, but then eventually I got used to it, but I still love just looking at them sometimes.

Manik: Mansi Di was also addicted to stars. She wasn't as knowledgable about them as u are, knowing all the names and all, but she always liked looking at them.
Manik said softly finally looking up at the stars as Nandini kept her hand over his entwining their fingers.

Manik: Dad used to take us camping then we were kids and she always used her daughter card which ended up with me and Dad doing all the work, setting up tents, getting wood, and everything like that. And all that time, she just lay there staring up at the stars. Dad used to scold me if I disturbed here, she literally had him wrapped around her finger.
He told her chuckling at the memories.

Nandini: Well, u have the same with Mom. So I guess it's pity much the same.

Manik scoffed at this shaking his head,
Manik: No it's not the same. Di literally controlled Dad, I don't do that to Mom. Plus Mom is not that gullible.

Nandini gasped in fake horror as she looked at him with her  eyes raised,
Nandini: Did u just call Dad gullible?? Haww.... How could u Manik?

Manik rolled his eyes at her making her get up and hit him on the chest as he laughed out loud. He moved his hand towards her to pull her back to him only for her to move further away making him narrow his eyes at her before he lunged forward and grabbed her back into his chest.
Manik: U are already testing me enough for tonight babe... Don't push it, I might just peel that damn dress off and have my way through u.

Nandini's eyes widened at this as she hit him again.
Nandini: Rude! U don't say things like that on a first date, Mr. Malhotra!

Manik: I m not being rude, I m being honest Ms. Moorthy!

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