70. Only You

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NOTES: Hi guys. I'm so sorry for taking this long to be back. As I've told some of u, I had a lot going on from the end of 2020 to now, but it's all ok now. But, I basically took longer this time because I was out of inspiration, and as I've told u before, I depend on it to be able to write. Ideas for this prompt came slowly to me, so it took me a few days to work on it.

I hope you like it. 

I'm pressing pause on taking prompts now, because I'm feeling the need to finish Infinite Crisis, and I need inspiration for that (yes, I have it all mapped out, but I still need it to write). So I might take a while to work on the next chapters but I'm doing my best. I'm sure you all will like what's coming for that story. Especially if you are a comic book fan (I'm taking a lot from comics for that story).

If I get inspired to update Scarlet-Canary collection or Elseworlds Collection, or even this one, I post something new and u'll know.

For now, enjoy.


Chapter Summary: Prompt by SuperarrowRoLoLover: It's kind of like mid season one arrow so he's already established and ppl know him but he's still the hood. I was thinking kara is kind of like s1 laurel with the hood, just a reporter instead of a lawyer. Also there's none of the sister gambit cheating drama that laurel had, like kara was oliver's lifelong friend they never dated. Then she and oliver go on a first date and she finds out shortly after. You can clean it up but that was my baseline idea.


Kara walked from one side to the other, in the living room of her apartment, having a million thoughts at once. She remembered when her best friend Oliver Queen came back after being 5 years presumed dead and happy she was to see him healthy, standing in front of her with that big smile of his. She also remembered how her life turned upside down while he was gone, with her becoming Supergirl and a hero to the whole Starling City.

She thought about everything that her best friend didn't know about her, how she wasn't even from this planet, but she knew she couldn't tell him, because she needed to protect him, especially when she found out that other aliens escaped and wanted revenge because of what her mom did to them in the past. She felt guilty about not telling everything for a long time, but now, it has been 2 weeks that Oliver came back, and she felt like he would be able to handle it.

- It is time! – She whispered as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, checking out her outfit. She was feeling really nervous about meeting Oliver for dinner. – It's just about your secret, nothing else. – She said trying to convince herself of something she wasn't even sure what.

She got to the restaurant just in time, and met him already on the table. He looked extremely handsome that night, but she decided she wasn't going to think about that, at least for that moment.

- I'm so glad to see you – She said, hugging him before sitting down.

- I saw you this morning...

- I know... - She laughed, making him laugh – Is just that... Those 5 years were really hard, it still feels like a dream, having you back and alive...

- I know... It feels like a dream to be sleeping in my own bed... - He smiled back at her.

It was a really good dinner, Kara thought. Besides the food being wonderful, as always, it was really nice to talk about random things that Oliver missed all of those years, it felt really good, until they reached the vigilante topic and Kara felt nervous all over again.

- All I'm saying is... I understand that he does a good job – Kara said – I just think his methods are a bit...extreme.

- I'm sorry, but I think they are justified...

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