55. Dream On

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NOTES: Hi guys, before the xmas story, I left a spoiler alert for the next short story I would work on, so here it is (I felt inspired). 

Warning: a bit of M rated, but nothing explicit, just for safety. 

I hope u guys like it. 



Chapter Summary: Prompt by Solemn Saturn: Hello! I have finish reading your story "The red daughter of Star city" a few days ago and I have a suggestion that I would like to share. In the lest chapter it was told that Kara have dreams of their other half with Oliver so I thought send a suggestion of a story about how Kara is dealing with this dreams and so on. I don't know if you are taking suggestion, but I just think that I should share this idea. Thanks for your time.


Kara stared at the horizon as she waited in the balcony of the DEO. A lot has been going on through her mind and she felt scared and excited at the same time. Leaving Earth even if it was for a month terrified her, to be honest. But Clark, her cousin, promised he would help Alex take care of things while she took some time off to see her mom. He told her it was only fair. Kara spent most of her life thinking she had lost her mom only to find out she was alive in Argo City, the only piece of her beloved planet that survived. Clark and Alex convinced Kara to do it, so she could enjoy her mom, after all she deserved it. She was Earth's hero along with Clark, she sacrificed so much to help people. It was only fair. After a lot of arguing, they convinced her.

- The ship is ready – J'onn said as he approached her with a concerned look in his face – Is everything ok?

- Yes, I was just thinking... I'm nervous about leaving for so long...

- It's only for a month. We can handle things here for you to have this moment with your mom. You deserve it.

- Thank you – Kara said as she hugged him, smiling.

She let go of J'onn and looked serious at him. She had to make sure they would keep their word.

- And remember, if anything dangerous happens, you warn me somehow and I come back. I know Clark can help you all and I know how strong you are, but please, don't let me in the dark.

- I promise!

J'onn gave her his keys to his special ship and brought her to DEO's garage. She gave Alex, J'onn and Alex a big hug and left for Argo.


Kara loved being Supergirl and helping others, but she was enjoying being a regular person, no powers, no struggles and the weight of the world on her shoulders. To spend some time with her mom was a true blessing and she couldn't be happier. Her room looking just the same as before, made her heart ache. She missed Argo, her mom, the kryptonians she grew up with. Her bed was still soft and comfortable and all she wanted to do was to spend a lot of time there, resting, sleeping. She smiled as her head touched her soft pillow, pulling her favorite blanket up as the cold night came in.

It was all dark. And confusing.

She felt scared and angry. She flew high in the sky while missiles came towards her. She had to use her heat vision against them, causing many explosions in the sky. One hit her back and she felt down, creating a huge hole in the ground. She emerged from it, looking confused around her.

What the hell was happening?

She woke up, almost jumping from her bed, feeling her heart beating really fast.

It was just a dream. A weird and scary dream.

Kara was used to having weird dreams, but that one felt so real. It was like she was experiencing everything. She felt tired, like she was actually fighting missiles. And the next night, wasn't that different since the dreams came back, bringing her into different scenarios. She was starting to worry; she couldn't even hide anymore.

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