72. Phantoms

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New chapter FINALLY, but 1st:

NOTES: Life is full of ups and downs and I guess I can say I had a lot of downs since new year, but also a lot of ups too. Besides the crazy life I have, I confess now I had some MAJOR writer's block. I couldn't write anything, I couldn't have ideas, I couldn't feel inspired. I struggled with it because I hate leaving u guys waiting, and I really wanted to keep on writing. So I decided to take some time for myself so maybe things would be back to normal naturally. And it worked.

I'm feeling a bit down with the cancellations and the fact that the Arrowverse is almost ending, we don't have cool crossovers anymore... but then, I remembered that's the magic of fanfiction. That's why we do this, to keep the magic going. To have fun with the possibilities we create and this community has been so supportive, it motivated me to feel inspired again.

I hope u guys like this one. More notes at the end.


He couldn't sleep.

It had been like this for the past week and the week before, and the one before.

Oliver Queen couldn't sleep and he was angry. His phone rang for the third time that night and it only made things worse. He sat on his bed and rubbed his eyes, taking a look at the screen and pressed the ignore button.

It was a call from Alex Danvers.

- "I told you I'm finding another way. I'll let you guys know when."

He typed on his phone and sent the message, not feeling like he could talk to anyone at the moment as he muted his phone, trying to lay down and get some sleep, but the scene from their last encounter kept popping up on his mind.


Oliver jumped from his bike, and adjusted his Green Arrow suit, thinking to himself many possible ways he could yell at those people as soon as he entered the Tower in National City.

- Oliver... - Lena started and Oliver never let her finish, feeling his anger grow.

- I told you this wasn't going to work.

- I know... - Alex said

- I told you and you all still went it with anyways. How could you let Lex Luthor send Kara to the Phantom Zone? HOW?

- Oliver calm down. We are just as angry as you are – J'onn said.

Oliver looked down as he took a deep breath and stared at team Supergirl once again.

- The guy tricked the book of destiny, the freaking Monitor in Crisis, he managed to replace that other Superman when you got stuck in the Vanishing Point. I DIED and came back to restore the multiverse, to give everyone a second chance, to make things right and the first thing you guys do is get tricked by Lex Luthor. With all the respect, you have no idea how angry I am now J'onn. I told you all this plan wasn't going to work, it was obvious he wasn't going to give you all the codes. And most importantly: I think we formed a team in the Hall of Justice to help each other... Why wasn't any of us warned about this?

- Oliver, everyone has their issues to deal with, we can't just keep asking for help every time a villain attacks the city – Brainy said

- A group of gods basically, tried to brainwash the ENTIRE world, meaning people in StarCity, in Freeland, in Central City, in Metropolis, in Gotham would also suffer and you all thought you could handle this alone? And just let me, Clark, Ryan, Sara, Barry and Jeff know this before putting this risky plan into motion... I wonder why I'm so mad.

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