75. Hope

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Chapter Summary: Prompt by XoverLoverReader: Hey, how are you? I'm stranger and all but I have a request for one like after oliver become the spectre and very much ALIVE and it can be one-shot or any type you like. Plzzzzzz


He felt a soft breeze around him and opened his eyes.

He felt weird. Was he dreaming? Was he going crazy?

He looked around and saw that familiar weird room he visited to tell the Monitor about sparing Barry and Kara's life and to take his instead. There was something like a huge fog around it, instead of just a dark sky full of stars, or what looked like stars and he could see scenes inside of it, like a movie screen. He tried to focus and noticed he knew those people.

It was his friends and loved ones.


Yes, he was dead, he thought. He saw everything after he rebooted the multiverse, his friends uniting once more to fight the Anti-Monitor.

He noticed Sara's speech to him, about how they wouldn't fail this new world. Everyone just chanting his name.

He couldn't help but noticing Kara felt really shaken with all of it. He lowered his head, just listening to everything happening, and he felt a sharp pain inside.

He gave his life for his friends, for her. He was just sad he never got time to tell her.

He wished he had told her so bad, it hurt.

He was the Spectre now and he was in some sort of after life. He had mysterious powers but he couldn't be there, by her side, by their side, fighting and he knew he would give everything to be there once again.

It wasn't fair.

Meanwhile back in the fight, They had come up with a plan to stop the Anti-Monitor for good. Barry, Ryan Choi and Ray Palmer along with Nash Wells worked hard to create a device that would make him keep shrinking for eternity.

Kara flew in the sky as Ray tossed the device to her.

- Throw it like a girl! – She shouted, excitedly.

- Always! – She said and threw the thing.

The device hit the Anti-Monitor and he kept shrinking back to his original size. And stopped.

Everyone stared at each other, not quite sure what to do. It was supposed to work. It was their last hope. Kara and Ray flew back to the ground and all heroes got together, ready to keep fighting, even if they had no idea what would happen now.

- Cute. But it didn't work... - The Anti-Monitor said as he kept walking towards their direction, ready to end them for good. – Now I'll kill you all and continue with my plans!

- Not so fast!

They heard a familiar voice and everyone turned to see Oliver, in his Green Arrow suit, with his bow and a weird arrow on his hand. Sara and Barry stared in shock at each other and back to Oliver. Kara's eyes filled with tears, as she couldn't believe what she was seeing. All member of Team Arrow looked in disbelief. All heroes from all other teams stared in shock, a wave of emotions hitting them all.

- You have failed this universe. Again. But for the last time!

Oliver took a deep breath and aimed. He let the arrow go, shooting him straight in the heart.

The Anti – Monitor started to scream, and little by little he started to crack, disintegrating right after.

Oliver was about to turn around when he felt 2 bodies colliding with his. Sara and Barry had their arms around him, he almost lost his balance but the collision made him drop his bow on the ground. He hugged them back as he felt their sobs on his shoulders.

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