68. Brightest soul

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NOTES: Hi guys. I have one more update for you guys, I hope you liked. I put two prompts together because I think they just fit well.

I'll probably update Infinite Crisis the next couple of days btw, so stay tunned there. And keep sending me your prompts for collections, I'm almost done with the list I have here ^^

Oh, and I know the chapter is a bit short. Since I'm working on a longer story, is a bit hard to make all collections longer as well, so I'm doing short chapters here for now


Chapter Summary: Prompt by WritersBlock039: There's another prompt! In two universes, can any hero resist Kara Danvers's puppy dog eyes? Answer: no. The times no hero can withstand Kara's puppy dog eyes and the times they come together to defend their super puppy from being hurt - physically, mentally, or emotionally. Can be romantic - either way, Oliver, Barry, and Sara are the most protective and their teams are right behind them. / And another one (could be Elseworlds or Emerald Steel): what if Kara called Earth-1 for help in the Season 3 finale? Oliver, Barry, Sara, and members of their teams come to help. Preferably Kariver eventually happening, other pairings up to you.


Life was truly funny.

If anyone ever told his past self that he would be where he was now, he would tell that person smoked something really strong; never in a thousand years he would believe them.

But there he was: cuddling in bed with a beautiful alien, in another universe, far away from home and not giving a damn for anything else, at least for a while.

He watched her sleeping so peacefully; he didn't want to wake her up, even if she had told him to do so in case she overslept.

She started opening her eyes slowly and smiled as soon as she saw his eyes on her.

- Hey there! – She whispered.

She was a vision right now, he thought. He smiled back, giving her a kiss right afterwards. He love her sweet eyes, they had a power over him that was unexplainable. He just couldn't say no, anytime she looked at him like she was looking right now.

- This is not fair! – He said, caressing her face

- What? – She stared confused at him

- You give me this look and I melt...

- What look? – She teased him, going in for another kiss.

He knew he was forever screwed.

It all started right after their first team up. Kara appeared in Star City right when he was about to knock Prometheus out. He definitely had a priceless look on his face that Olvier would never forget.


- I would think twice if I were you... - Kara said as she used her heat vision to melt Prometheus bow. He dropped it on the ground, pissed, but in shock.

He ran towards Kara, that stood between Oliver and him, and felt like hitting a wall. Kara didn't even move an inch. She looked pissed at him and gave the punch back, making him fly across the street. Prometheus noticed he wouldn't be able to win at that moment, not with that strange woman fighting him, so he just vanished. Kara turned around and smiled innocently at Oliver.

- Thank you for this but... Did anything happen? – Oliver said a bit pissed, making Kara wonder if he was truly saying thanks or being sarcastic.

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