40. Lost Bat and feelings found

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NOTES: Hi guys!

I'm back with the collection and accepting prompts for this one as well. So if u have ideas, post in comments and I'll see what I can do.

Some have been wondering about why I'm taking so long to update, and no it's not because of school... Thank God I graduated college a long time ago. I work with filmmaking, productions in general and I have been doing freelance work with a Brazilian youtuber, editing her videos and etc. I also work with cosplay and dancing, I make my own outfits, I am the choreographer of my dance groups and because of that, sometimes I have so many things to do that I end up taking a long time to update. And sometimes anxiety attacks, and I can't do none of those things. But I'm always writing all ideas u guys give me, and the ones I have. And I'm always trying to find time to write and update. One thing I will never do is abandon a story without finishing it.

Thanks for ur feedback and comments.


Kara lay down on her couch after an exhausting day at both CatCo and DEO. She grabbed the pizza she bought at the way home and turned on the TV. She loved watching her favorite TV shows and relax sometimes, it was a nice feeling. Her phone started buzzing and she picked it up. It had a message from her sister, Alex.

- Have you seen the news? – Kara read the text and looked at the TV, changing channels. – Oh Rao...

Kara watched as they showed some news about a new vigilante in Gotham, a lady in black and red, red haired, ruthless and dangerous, even more than the bat guy. People said she just came out of nowhere, that they never saw her before and people from Gotham were afraid of her. Kara called Alex, having a bad feeling about it all.

- I just saw it – She said as Alex picked up.

- Kara, I don't think she is from here... We have been investigating... I think she's from another Earth.

- We have to help her!

- We have to lock her up, she's dangerous.

- Alex... I'm not a big fan of vigilantes, but... you remember my friends from Earth 1, right? They have their way of helping others, some of them I'm not ok with, but... What matters is that they help. Just like Guardian helps us here. And if she is indeed not from around, we need to find her and bring her back to whatever Earth she's from.

- Ok. I have no idea how we can help her...

- It's ok – Kara said as she thought about who was the perfect person to help her. – I know who knows. I'll be right back.

Kara talked a bit more with her sister and hang up. She got up from the couch and changed into her Supergirl suit, reaching for her extrapolator.

- I hope this works. – She said as she opened a breach and went straight for Star City on Earth 1.

Kara arrived at a dark and huge place, full of boxes and papers all around. She looked around just to see Felicity ready to hit someone with a piece of wood and a blonde woman looking really angry at her. Felicity lowered her guard and looked at the blonde woman that Kara never saw before.

- It's ok, she's a friend. – Felicity smiled at Kara – Hi Kara, good to see you. This is Laurel... from Earth 2.

Kara hugged Felicity and turned to Laurel, who only reached for Kara's hand to shake it politely.

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