16. The Auction

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NOTES: This was inspired in One Three Hill's episode that deals with the same thing and theepisode they play a game answering each other's questions, getting to know eachother.

I hope u guys like it!!!


Chapter Summary: Oliver is convinced to participate on a super hero auction to help Star City hospital and after a lot of protesting, Oliver accepts it. The highest bidder wins a night with the participants anyway they want it. What he wasn't expecting was Kara Danvers to bid so high on him. That was surely something he would never forget.


It was a bright day on National City and Supergirl came back to her apartment after saving the day. It never got old, she thought as she changed to her regular clothes, adjusting her fake glasses on her face.

She loved being a hero, using her powers for good and helping those in need. It made her feel something unexplainable. She knew the best decision she ever made was to pursuit this life and she knew it was hard and required sacrifices from her, many sacrifices, but they all were so worth it.

She was about to call Alex; to suggest they would get some pizza later when a breach opened in the middle of her living room.

- Barry! – She smiled, opening her arms and hugging her friend from another universe.

- Hey Kara!

- What's up? Need help with anything?

She smiled excited with the idea. She loved team ups and to team up with Barry's friends and his own team was always awesome. It was also a nice opportunity to see again a few faces she missed. Not that she enjoyed when Barry's world where almost ending, she thought laughing to herself and confusing Barry.

- Actually I do...

- What we are up against?

- No, nothing like that, thank God! – Barry smiled relived that for the first time ever, there wasn't any huge crisis needing Kara's help. – You know Oliver is the Mayor of Star City, right?

- Oh, I remember him talking about something like that...

- Well, he was struggling trying to have any great ideas because there's a hospital for kids that need money. We found out about it and offered our help, because Oliver never reaches for us when it comes to things like that... You know how he is like.

- Oh, I can imagine.

She sure could. Oliver was so stubborn sometimes, it made her want to shake him and bring some sense in him. He always tried to solve his problems by himself, even when he clearly needed help.

- So what's your idea?

- We are going to make a super hero auction.

- What? – Kara laughed as she heard that idea. It sounded funny. She could imagine the face Oliver made when he heard this, and she couldn't stop laughing. – I'm sorry, I'm just picturing Oliver's face hearing this...

- Oh he gave us a death stare like "no way in hell Barry, this is stupid" – Barry made a perfect Oliver's impression and Kara laughed again.

- So, how does it work?

- We are going to sell a date with the guys. Their hero version anyways. Whoever buys it, can choose what to do like a walk in the park, dinner, anything... anything respectable – Barry added as he saw the expression in Kara's face, and smiled – He thought we could use their popularity for good.

- You are lucky this is for charity! – Kara smiled – And what's my part on this?

- You bring anyone who agrees to participate, I know there are a few heroes here and you come along and help us raise money.

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