42. I wasn't expecting you here

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So, I'm finally managing to go back to the short story mode, so I hope u guys like this one. 

Wait for more updates on my other collections, they will come this week.


Chapter Summary: Prompt by victor17: What do you think where Barry and Kara decide to make a double date with their respective partners (Sara and Oliver)?

*I decided to give it a little twist, like an episode of Smallville where Chollie and Clois gets an accidental double date. This will be fun!


Kara was feeling really tired after saving people the whole day. Since she had left the DEO, she had way more time to look around for criminals and bad guys to stop. Sometimes, she would find DEO agents in the field, and still help them out, but it was mostly her flying around and saving people from burning buildings, stopping bank robberies, stuff like that. She decided to follow her cousin's advice and try to live more and she ended up visiting her friends back on Eath 1. That's how she ended up dating the last person she thought she would fall for: Oliver Queen.

But it was a secret. Neither of them wanted to jinx it, they were still trying to figure things out, so not even Alex knew about it. She felt bad for it, not telling her sister, but she knew when they were ready, all of their loved ones would know.

She got home and changed for her regular clothes. It was late night already and she wanted nothing more than take a shower and go to bed. She heard a noise and walked to her nightstand drawer, opening it.

Her extrapolator made a funny noise and she looked at a small button that had a purple light shining. She felt curious because she had no idea what was going on.

- Hey Kara!

Oliver's image appeared in the air, coming from the extrapolator and Kara jumped in scare. What in Rao's name was going on?

- Cisco made me on extrapolator and added a communication function. I told him it was because if I needed to reach you for help it would be easier... I think he bought it.

- Hi Ollie... I'm happy you got one as well...

- Are you ok?

- Yes... It's just that I forgot the device could do that, like a phone... - Kara laughed – I got a bit scared... - She adjusted her glasses – But, how are you?

- I'm great. Just came back from a mission. I feel a bit sore, but I'm ok.

- I miss you!

She smiled looking a that face she missed so much. It was hard for them to see each other given their lives as heroes and being from different Earths it only made things harder. Oliver looked at her with a funny look that got Kara intrigued.

- I might have the solution for that...

- What do you mean?

- I just found out this amazing flyer about a nice cabin on the beach... I thought you would enjoy a weekend away.

Kara's face lightened as she heard his words. She thought for a second about it and decided she could give herself a few days off. She deserved it.

- I'm glad I'm not working for the DEO anymore... I'm in!

- Wait... You're not at the DEO anymore?

- I tell you everything when I see you.

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