60. Training sessions

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NOTES: Hi guys!

First of all: I know we are facing hard times now, but if we do the right thing we can beat this thing. I'm a freelancer that work with video editing and now translations from home, so I pressed pause on all my other activities (I get sick easily and my dad doesn't look like it, but it's 71, so we are all being careful here). All I have to tell you is: stay safe out there and listen to the recommendations, please.

As I told you, I collected all your ideas for chapter 62 and mapped it out here with ideas from guys from all 3 platforms I post my stories in. I tried to fit everything into what it was possible for the story, and I hope you guys like it.

For now, here's this awesome promt I got. It's a short story, but I wanted to explore the fluff and cuteness, so get ready to some SuperArrow cuteness.

Chapter Summary: Prompt by NayaZorEl:I know you recently came out of surgery so I hope you get better! I have a suggestion... how about Oliver trains Kara to fight (maybe blindfolded) and then surprises her with *****. This just popped into my mind! – I hid the surprise so it wouldn't be a spoiler to the story haha. This one is pre Crisis btw


Kara opened her eyes slowly, feeling a great sensation. It has been a long time since she felt that way, like in cloud 9, and wouldn't mind if she could stay the whole day like this.

- Good morning – She felt a kiss in her neck and smiled, turning around

- Good morning to you too – She said, giving Oliver a peck on the lips

Kara touched his shoulder and Oliver hissed a bit. She looked worried at him.

- I'm so sorry for that...

- It's ok, totally worth it. – He smiled, looking at her with full admiration – At least my nose is intact.

Oliver teased, making Kara laugh.

- Can we spend the day here, please? – She said as she came closer to him, giving him slight kisses on his neck and cheeks.

- As much as I would love to, we can't... You won't escape me.

- Oh right... training... Why do we need to, again?

- Because if you lose your powers again, you can be prepared for whatever it comes.

- But I know how to fight.

- I know you do, but even your sister agreed that is good to update your techniques.

Kara kept staring at him, hoping it would change his mind. It worked every single time.

- No, not the puppy eyes. – He said, closing his eyes – it won't work.

- I had to try – She laughed

- We can stay in bed afterwards.

Kara embraced him once more and gave him a full kiss on the lips, her legs intertwining with his. She caressed the back of his head and Oliver started giving in, adding more passion to their kiss, until he rested his forehead on hers.

- Nice try.

Kara exhaled, giving up while Oliver stood up.

- It's hard to get up with this vision I have in front on me – She said, looking knowingly at him.

- Kara Danvers you weren't like that... Did I ruin you?

- Maybe – She smiled at him, turning around and also getting up.

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