44. The unexpected happened

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Notes: Hi guys!

Sorry for taking so long to update. I got this prompt and the person requested a pregnancy story. I gotta say I'm not a fan of writing those (I like sticking to canon, where it would be really hard for Kara to be pregnant of a human) so inspiration took a long time to come. I love all ur ideas, by the way, they're awesome... I just can't write easily pregnancy stories, so apologies if it's not what u hoped for. I did my best.

I'm beginning to have an idea for Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover, so maybe I will be starting this one soon. When I do, it means all my collections will be on hold (or I won't be able to write it), but I will let u guys know when I do. For now, I'll keep updating this one (until inspiration comes for Elseworlds collection and Scarlet-Canary collection). I'm on a kariver mood now lol.

Hope u guys like this one!


Chapter Summary: Prompt by Wryyy: make a crisis on Earth X where Kara and Oliver had a one night stand like Alex and Sara did. Then she ends up getting pregnant. Im a sucker for these kind of fics.


Oliver couldn't believe his ears. He dreamed about that moment for a long time, more than he liked to admit and he couldn't help but feel terrible. He felt numb for a while, everyone in the party looking at him, some with pity, some shocked. He couldn't believe she was doing this to him, out loud, in front of everybody when he tried to be as discrete as possible.

She said no.

A loud no.

Felicity managed to destroy him in a single second. He had an automatic answer, deciding to break things up right there at that moment. It was the right thing to do, he thought. He saw her going to the upper level, and smiled awkwardly at everyone, turning around and taking a deep breath.

- Are you ok, man? – Barry approached, asking in a low voice, with a worried look in his face.

- Yes... I'm sorry about this by the way... I just need some air.

Barry gave a small nod with his head.

- It's ok, man!

Oliver disappeared from the crowd and went outside. He felt bad because this was supposed to be his friend's special night, he didn't want to ruin it for them. He felt somehow guilty about her reaction.

- I'm sorry... - Oliver heard and turned around.

He was near the Jitters, but far away for no one inside to see him. Once he looked properly, he noticed it was Kara Danvers talking to him. He wondered what she was doing away from the party as well.

- I couldn't help... - She pointed to her ears with an apologetic look – I heard noises and got worried...

- It's ok...

Oliver looked down, thinking about it all. He took a deep breath and looked at Kara.

- And... Why are you here all by yourself?

- I needed to take some air... - She said, adjusting her fake glasses.

- Looks like we had the same idea! Want to go for a walk?

- Sure!

Oliver smiled back at Kara and they started walking around the block. It was a nice evening, not so cold. Oliver noticed Kara looked really nice in a cute blue dress, knee high. He never noticed before how beautiful she was.

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