46. Good company

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NOTES: Hi guys!!! Here it is the new chapter, I hope u all like it!!!

I am going to update the Scarlet Canary collection next, so this one will be paused for a while. Maybe after the next chapter there, I'll come back here...let's see what inspiration brings me ^^


Chapter Summary: Prompt by Only reviewer: How about Oliver and Kara get stuck in a lift (elevator)


Kara could not believe it. She just couldn't. It was the second time in 3 years that she just lost her powers right when she needed them the most and she almost got hurt for real this time. Lucky for her, Alex was around and could help her. She was examined and once again, she had a solar flare to blame.

The last time it happened, she faced Red Tornado, an android that General Lane wanted to test. Naturally, he used Kara to do so, and it ended with her losing her powers and getting in trouble a lot. She felt so happy that she wished to never go through that again, it was a completely nightmare, but once again she was feeling vulnerable, and she hated it.

She thought she had enough of surprises for one day, but one more happened that day. She was alone in James's office when no one other than Oliver Queen came in. She blinked twice, adjusting her glasses, thinking she was seeing things.

- Oliver? What are you doing here? On my Earth?

- Hi Kara... Nice to see you too – He teased and Kara looked even weirder at him.

- It's not that it's not nice to see you... It's just... Surprising...

- I hate coming all this way without a warning... The thing is, I need your help. And it's urgent, that's why I came in person...

- Ok... - Kara looked worried at him. – Let's just... Let's go to my place and you can explain me what it's happening, and I can open a breach there... By the way, how did you get here?

- Cisco opened a breach for me and I ended up here. Lucky for me, I was alone. I found a blonde woman and she told me you were here...

- Oh... Ok, let's go... - Kara smiled and left with Oliver.

- Are you using super speed? – Oliver looked at her a bit apprehensive.

- I can't... I explain later, but I'm having a small problem with my powers so we'll have to walk. I live nearby!

CatCo was empty since it was night already and everyone had left home. After Eve left, Kara was the only one working late, trying to distract herself from her small problem until Oliver arrived. He seemed to have a relief look on his face after Kara said she wouldn't use her powers and she noticed it, but let it go. They walked in the elevator and Kara pressed the first floor. They were on the 8th floor but when they reached the 5th, the elevator stopped abruptly.

- Oh, great! – Kara looked to Oliver, scratching her head.

- This is not good... - Oliver said as he looked around.

- Not, it's not. We're alone here, so there's no one that can help us and I have no powers... At least for 24 hours, so we're stuck!

Kara looked like she was really nervous and walked from one side to another. Oliver reached for her shoulders, trying to calm her down.

- Kara? Just breath.

- I can't... I was having a feeling this was not going to be a good day. It's never a good day when I lose my powers...

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