32. Imprisoned

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NOTES: hi guys, I'm back sooner than expected.

Hope u guys like this one! ^^


Chapter Summary: Karavisits Earth 1 just to find out that Oliver has been arrested by the FBI, soshe decides to do something about it. - I also got a prompt from Rita:  "Loving all these little stories and the way you write kara an oliver. I have one for you if you are still receiving. Based on the season finale with no oliver and felicity kara visiting oliver while he is in jail like him outside in yard and she coming down from the sky to see him in full supergirl suit and not happy with the FBI. It would be fun to see how the other people and the FBI would react to this." - So I decided to unite my idea with hers.


It was finally that time of the month she got to visit her friends from another universe, something they promised to do every once in a while and not just when the world was in danger in any of their Earths.

Kara grabbed her device and pressed the button to open the breach to Star Labs. The bluish wormhole opened and he crossed over, feeling excited. Once she got to Star Labs cortex, she started looking for her friends.

- Is there anyone here? – She asked as she walked through the corridors of the place, reaching the main room and finally finding everyone. – Hey guys... What happened?

Kara stopped as she saw everyone gathered around the TV, focusing on what they were watching. Barry turned around and walked towards her, giving her a warm hug, but with a worried look in his face.

- I am the Green Arrow – They all heard Oliver saying on TV as he was being arrested by the FBI.

- What in Rao's name just happened? – Kara said as she looked horrified at the TV. – Why is Oliver telling who he is? And being arrested?

- They had big trouble in Star City, as Felicity told me – Cisco said, with the same horrified look in his face – There was this crazy guy trying to take over the city...

- And when there isn't? – Barry said as he looked to the ground

- And this guy had the government, the police, everyone on his grip. So Oliver had to ask FBI for help...

- The same people that were trying to arrest him the last time? – Kara asked, as she looked at Oliver being dragged into FBI's car. – I thought your world supported heroes... Giving the amount of times you guys risk your lives to save the world...

- Well... Some places are ok with us... But Star City always had a problem with that... You see, Oliver used to kill before... And they know it. So they see him as a criminal – Cisco explained

- But... He changed... right?

- Yes, he did. But they don't care. – Barry said with a sad voice – Now they are taking him to a maximum security prison.

- This is not fair! Barry, we need to do something! – Kara said as she crossed her arms.

- I wish I could... But this is the FBI...

- I don't care! – Kara said as she looked angry at the TV. – Come with me, I have an idea...

- Kara...

- Now, Barry! – She smiled – I need you to show me the way.

- It's worth the shot – Iris said as she nodded with her head.

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