24. Together, at last

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NOTES: I only accepted this prompt because I felt like chapter 6 needed a closure. I usually don't like doing sequels to my stories, but sometimes I make it an exception.

That short is M rated, so is this one (light stuff as always - I plan on writing something more poetic, artistic and deep in feelings M rated but still light soon, but that is not the case in this one)



Chapter Summary: Prompt by dontucallmekate: "Can you make a sequel to chapter 6, work out? Or maybe why Felicity left instead of staying for the wedding?"


Kara walked slowly as she reached the place he texted her. about It was not a long time ago she got an Earth 1 cell phone to make it easy to talk to people when she was around. The first person to get her number was Oliver. They talked a few times when they were around and he finally asked her on that date he talked about after Barry's wedding.

She was nervous. Like really nervous.

She still remembered the night they had, the frustration they let out as they punched stuff, they both felt so hurt and let down, they found comfort in each other's arms. He drove her crazy that day and made her see and feel things she never thought she would again. They agreed it was too soon for them to be in a relationship but almost a year has passed now. Kara missed him so much. They had seen each other twice since their hook up, she always blushed when she was next to him, dying to kiss him again, but not able to. All she knew it was he was still single and focusing on fighting for his city.

She got to the restaurant and saw Oliver waiting for her at the door.

Gentleman as always, she thought.

He smiled when he saw her and grabbed her hand, kissing it slightly. She blushed as he did that and he walked them to their table. It was on the third floor, an exclusive area. It had an amazing view, Kara could feel the wind in her skin and she smiled.

- It's a beautiful place, Oliver.

- I figured you would like it.

- You got it right, I love it!

They sat down and the waiter came to serve them. They had a few drinks; Kara had her beloved orange juice while Oliver had whisky.

The food was delicious, Kara thought. She had 2 different meals while Oliver ate his and looked at her.

- I know you need food... Don't worry, I won't judge – He teased as they finished their food.

- Thanks – She smiled.

Oliver looked at that smile, remembering that time they got together, how many times he made Kara smile like that. He missed it, badly. They kept staring at each other in silence when Kara decided to break it.

- I hope everything's ok with you.

- It's better now.

- Did anything happen?

- Kind of...

- If you don't want to talk about it, it's ok...

- No, I want to – He smiled at her – Felicity... She left the team last week.

- Oh... - Kara looked at him with a sad face.

Oliver and Felicity broke up at Barry's wedding, when she refused to marry him. It was what led him to want to get his frustrations out. Kara felt like it was a bit wrong when they hooked up on the same day, but she was also heartbroken so she could understand him. Kara knew it was going to be hard for him and that's why she suggested they wait. She thought they managed to stay friends, but it looked like it was not the case.

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