9. The Secret

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Chapter Summary: Prompt from donutcallmekate: "Hey! I was wondering if you could do a one-shot or a series where Kara and Oliver are secretly dating until an attack happened, making Oliver or Kara injured and the other goes to their earth to comfort them or something, revealing that they are dating? I don't know, you can change some parts to it."


A blur of red lightning passed by the streets of Star City without people even realizing it and at the same time, a green hooded figure piloted a motorcycle as fast as he could. A few minutes later, he finally arrived on the location. Barry Allen was in his Flash suit waiting for him with his arms crossed and a funny look into his face. Oliver felt annoyed.

- I told you once, I tell you again: Super speed, I don't have it!

- It never gets old, man... - Barry laughed, and stopped right after seeing the look Oliver gave him.

Barry used his super speed to run around and check the perimeter. Oliver just crossed his arms.

- I'm sorry man, it's faster this way.

- I know you're fast Barry – Oliver made a no with his head at Barry's pun. – So?

- Nothing... I don't think he is here anymore...

- Felicity? – Oliver said in his comm – Are you sure this is the right location?

- I am sure it was... It's not anymore... He left...

- Great! – Oliver said in frustration.

Barry looked at Oliver, noticing he was grumpier than usual, so he decided to try and find out what was going on.

- Are you ok?

- Yes!

- Ollie!

- Barry!

They looked at each other and Oliver exhaled, crossing his arms once again.

No, he was not ok. Because he hasn't heard from her since the day she last visited their Earth and they hooked up in his bedroom. It was months ago, but he couldn't tell that to people because they decided to keep their relationship a secret. Yes, Oliver Queen and Kara Danvers were seeing each other and not one single soul that knew them, knew about it. It looked like she vanished, she never again contacted him and things were crazy as ever with him, it was hard to keep track of what was going on with Kara. It wasn't like he could just ask Cisco to breach him to Earth 38 as well, because of the damn secret now he was regretting. He couldn't just tell people now, without talking to Kara first as well. It was an impossible situation, so yes; he was not ok, not at all.

- I'm just stressed with things in the City Hall. That FBI woman was a pain in my ass, half the team departed... Things are rough.

- I'm sorry to hear about that. But things will get better, you'll see.

- I hope so! – Oliver said looking at the ground. It was the best excuse he could give, his actual problems most people knew about.

As they left the place, walking outside, Oliver thought it wasn't going to hurt asking. He had to.

- Have you heard from Kara lately?

- Hum... No... Why?

- Nothing... It's just weird; she's never away from here that long...

- Now that you mentioned... Yes... It's weird... I wish I could check on her there, but my hand is full with the Thinker now... - Barry said as he scratched his head, trying to find a solution.

- Well, I can go. William is with Thea right now and I need a break from this FBI thing for a moment...

- Well, you told me the ones that left you are still fighting for the city... I guess one day away won't hurt, right? Thanks man!

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