18. Jealous

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Chapter Summary: Prompt from WritersBlock039: And I remember in "Where Are We Now" that Kara was jealous when Oliver was with Lena . . . maybe have Oliver be jealous/possessive when Kara's with James or Mon-El?


18. Jealous

- Oliver? Are you up? – Thea asked knocking the door of Oliver's bedroom.

- Yes, what's up? – She heard him reply.

- Have you seen my grey sweater? It was on the couch last night...

- It's on the laundry. I stained it by accident...

- Oh ok... See you later!

Oliver waited a few minutes before he was sure Thea was gone and there was no chance she could storm in his bedroom. He grabbed the edge of the sheets and lifted it up, looking under it.

- I think it is all clear...

- Cool – Kara came from under the sheets where she hid, laughing as she looked at Oliver. – Do you think you sister suspects anything?

- She is probably wondering what am I still doing in bed on a Saturday when is almost noon. I usually run.

- And what do you want to keep doing on a Saturday at almost noon? – She smiled as she reached for his cheeks, caressing it as he brought his lips closer to hers.

- I have many things on my mind... Need to keep in shape – He teased - I feel like a kid hiding from his parents – Oliver smiled while kissing Kara – It's hot... I love it!

Kara opened her eyes and stared at Oliver, their foreheads touching.

- The moment you want to tell everyone, we do.

- I'm ok with our secret...There's a lot going on right now, let's just keep this to ourselves for now... Like I said it makes me want you even more....

- Ollie, you're so cheesy – Kara laughed – Who could tell?

- When I'm in love, I am really cheesy...

- When you're what? – She looked at him surprised with those words. She wasn't sure if they were ready for that phase of their relationship.

- In love... Which I am for the record.

- I've noticed – She teased him as she approached her lips to his neck, giving small kisses and making a trail towards his chest. – So am I!

Kara lifted her body from her side of his bed, turning to face him, her body covering his up as she laid on top of him, every inch of her warmed up by his skin against hers. Each one of her legs was around his waist, her knee touching the mattress. She caressed his cheeks, feeling his short beard with her fingers. Oliver reached for her lips, bringing her face closer to his as he pressed his hands on her waist. He could feel her slowly moving her hips against his, creating a unique sensation that made him shiver.

- I need a favor... - She told him between their kiss as she felt his hands massaging her everywhere at once.

- Anything – He whispered at her, as she playfully bit his lower lip.

- Later... Now I need something else from you.

Kara smiled and Oliver rolled them over, pressing her body against the mattress. Kara smiled as she felt Oliver's lips soothing the skin of her cleavage.

Since they first got together, she discovered that waking up with him by her side, loving her like he was doing now was her favorite thing ever. He was so different from other humans, so caring and so sweet even if he loved to hide that detail about him. It was like something only for her to see and enjoy. He was a good person, a great hero in general to everyone, but that smile, that way of touching her, that sweet words he loved to whisper in her ear, it was all exclusively hers, and she felt great knowing that.

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