74. Matchmaker

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Notes: Thanks to one comment from GreenArrow0811 (Wattpad) on chapter 33 of this collection, I had this idea for this chapter, so Enjoy hahaha

This story happens after Invasion.


It wasn't easy to be a super hero. Not easy at all.

But she loved it, especially when she got to team up with her new friends from a different Earth.

Yes. Different Earth.

It was still weird to say it out loud and she was an alien from another planet. She knew the moment she met Barry Allen, her world turned upside down and she had a feeling that it was like that for basically everyone else as well. She found out about the Multiverse, and meta-humans, doppelgangers, and so much crazy, but the most important of it all: she found new friends, people who understood her and how it was like to live this crazy life, the need to lie to the people you loved the most just to protect them, to feel like the entire world was on her shoulders and she needed to carry on and not drop it.

It was exausting.

That's why she loved when her new friends called her for a team-up. She got to share all the crazy with them, share experiences, stuff she couldn't do with her friend Lena, for example.

It all started when Barry Allen, The Flash, ended up on her Earth by accident and she learned the theory of the Multiverse was real. Then, she met the rest of the heroes from Earth 1 when they were under attack. They faced the Dominators, a race of aliens she knew damn well, so she was more than happy to go there and help them. It wasn't easy at first, especially because one of them made things really hard for her. That someone was Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow. They started with the wrong foot and she got really pissed when he benched her, and it took her saving his life for him to see he was being unfair. He apologized later and they became friends.

She got to visit two more times after that, and along with Oliver and Barry, they formed what Cisco and Felicity called "the Trinity", because it was most the three of them holding everyone together, as the glue of their small league of heroes.

Now, she was back to Earth 1 and once again they managed to save the world, avoiding a huge crisis with Thanagarians trying to come and control the Earth. The Star Labs hangar became their safe place for reunions, training and parties to celebrate their victory and once again, she was celebrating a huge victory. After a few hours of celebration, everyone started to say their goodbyes and go back to their cities. Sara, Oliver, Barry and Kara were the only ones left, still celebrating.

- And... We did it again! – Barry said as he brought a glass of champagne for Sara, and Kara.

- We did it! – Oliver raised his glass and they all toasted in joy.

- Well, if you guys don't mind, I need to go back to the Wave Rider. We still have a bunch of things to fix in the timeline – Sara said, drinking in one sip and giving the glass back to Barry – Thank you. – She hug everyone and walked away.

- You're welcome – Barry smiled and stared at Oliver – I never imagined I would find someone who messes up the timeline more than I did...

- I heard that! – Sara yelled from a bit far away

- Just kidding – Barry laughed.

- So... What now? – Oliver asked – I assume you're also leaving... - He asked Kara as he also finished his drink.

- I think I'll stay a bit more... - She said – We barely have time to catch up when the world is almost ending – She smiled

- True – Barry said.

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