51. We're far away, but close enough PART 3

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Notes: This is the story that ends the 49th story of this collection, the third part of "We'refar away, but close enough"

Sorry for taking a bit longer than expected to update, but here I am and I hope u guys like it! 



Kara opened slowly her eyes and smiled to herself as she felt a hand over her stomach and turned around, just to see Oliver showing her a brief smile while he was still sleepy. She felt warmth in her chest, a different kind of feeling she had never felt before.

- Hey you... - He whispered.

They were both lay in his bed, under the sheets and both smiling.

- Hey... - She answered taking a deep breath in and letting it out.

- Are you tired? – Oliver asked, teasing her.

- No, I was just thinking this must be what people say happiness feels like...

And it was true. She wondered if that was what people meant about feeling really happy, because she didn't know what it was like. Oliver just stared at her. How it was possible she didn't know what happiness was? He asked himself. He thought about how her life must have been like, and reached for her hand, caressing it.

- It's a kind of happiness... - Oliver said as he looked her deep into her eyes

- I was always focusing on training, on the mission, I could never have the luxury of doing anything else...

- Then, when this is all over, I want to show you other kind of happiness... One of them is the Big Belly Burger.

- Food? Yes! – She smiled, giving him a kiss.

- I was thinking about a plan for us to deal with Lex... Something that might work...

- Can we talk about this later? I'm hungry... And after eating, we should train a bit...

- I'll make you breakfast – Oliver smiled and slowly got up, getting dressed while Kara kept staring at him, smiling.

Kara tasted Oliver's cooking and loved it. She was really hungry and would not stop eating. Oliver looked at her a bit surprised. She definitely had the same appetite Barry had, and Barry ate a lot of food, like really a lot.

- You told me before that Lex had ways of hurting you back in your Earth, right?

- Yes. He had lots of ways of hurting, even killing me...

- And what if he hadn't?

Kara looked curious at Oliver. She couldn't think of a way Lex wouldn't have ways of killing her, he practically trained her and made her who she was. Oliver walked closer to her and crossed his arms, looking like he had the most brilliant idea ever.

- What if we bring him here?

- Here?

- To this Earth!

Kara thought about it for a while. Lex had no idea the multiverse existed, even if he was really smart and it would be an unknown territory for him, so maybe they would have some advantage.

- I like this idea!

- We just need to lure him here somehow. But we can't do this alone, we'll need some help...

- You can tell Barry, Sara and Caitlin – She said as she reached for his hand – I trust them, they helped before...And, I can be the bait...

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