71. The List Part 1

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NOTES: Hi guys!

This time around it took me a really long time to update. I've decided that, to be able to keep writing stories u all enjoy, I need to give myself time for it, meaning not rushing anymore as I did before. I wasn't happy with a lot of endings I wrote, so that's why now, I'm taking my time to write longer chapters.

As I've told you, Infinite Crises is paused for now, I don't know when I'll have the inspiration to finish it. I'm also not taking prompts for now, cause I have a huge list of prompts u guys sent me, and I want to work on them before taking any new ideas. Just please be patient, I don't have an exact order to write them. I literally take a look at the prompt and see if I'm inspired to write it, and then I do. If I try to write without inspiration, it won't be good and I'll be pissed cause I hate rushing and writing stuff just to write, you know? So be patient, I'll get there, I just don't know when.

This year I wanted to do something different with the Xmas stories. I wanted to do a crossover with Emerald-Steel Collection and Scarlet-Canary Collection, so if you enjoy reading about Kara / Oliver and Barry / Sara, this is the story for you. I just finished part 1. I don't know when Part 2 will be up, but it will definitely be posted before Christmas. I hope you like this one, is a huge chapter.

Also, a small suggestion: I wrote this listening to Holiday Pop channel on so if you want to feel the complete Xmas vibe of this story, just go there and listen the channel while you read it. Totally worth it.



She felt tired.

Lately all she could felt was like the world was entirely on her shoulders, but she gave her best to help others, to be Supergirl.

She had her ups and downs before, wanting to have it all, but feeling like she couldn't.

She was tired of feeling like that.

Christmas was just around the corner, she loved this time of the year, but this time around, she felt like she could barely enjoy it with her loved ones. It felt like the whole world has gone crazy and everyone depended on her to fix things.

She flew around the city, trying to stay positive so she could do her best as she always did.

- Supergirl, you're getting closer! – She heard Alex's voice on her comms.

- Ok. I'm on my way.

She increased her speed, trying to focus on locating a rogue alien that decided it was a good idea to make dinosaurs appear all over National City. She loved dinosaurs since she was a kid, she has always thought they were the coolest creatures ever, but it wasn't that cool when lunatics turned toys into the real thing, terrorizing everyone. She just knew that night, she would have a lot to handle.

Kara looked around, confused. There was no one there. She kept trying to communicate with Alex or J'onn, but her comms started making an annoying noise, and she took them off.

- What...?

She saw a huge flash of light explode right in front of her, and out of nowhere, a familiar figure appeared, making her roll her eyes.

- Not you again! – She exhaled.


- Green Arrow, can you hear me?

- Of course I can, Curtis, you won't stop talking about taking your husband out to buy a Christmas tree. This is not the time for it... - Oliver said, feeling annoyed.

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