67. The Gala

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*img by: @svperxarrows (guys, look for kariver tag on instagram...you're welcome ^^)

NOTES: Hi guys!

So I've started the new story I told you about, it will be a long one, maybe with 15 or 16 chapters. The prologue is up, but I'll upload all other chapters when I finish it all, I want to really build this story. Is called Infinite Crisis, you can find it here on my works.

In the meantime, I'll keep updating the collections, so if you have prompts for: The Emerald Steel Collection (Kariver), Scarlet Canary Collection (Barry and Sara) or Elseworld Collections (infinite possibilities), just leave in the comments or send me in messages.

I hope u like this chapter.


Chapter Summary: Is not actually a prompt, is an idea that came from the comment from SolemnSaturn on AO3: "I like the idea of a party and Kara and Oliver meeting for the first time there and I like the chemistry that these two have." – Arrow and SG season 2, but it doesn't follow canon events from shows – same Earth.


Kara has been struggling with many things in her life since she became Supergirl. The pressure, the responsibility, could she have a normal life and be the super hero? Should she focus only on Supergirl? Try to balance things with her Kara Danvers life? It was all such a mess inside her head. She wished she could have only one opportunity of being off radar, where no one knew her, where she could just press pause and try something new in her life for once. She loved helping people, but she also felt the need to just breathe, slow down even if it was for a short time.

She worked at CatCo as a reporter by day and the rest of her time, she was being Supergirl, helping the DEO save the world. DEO was finally out of the shadows, it was now recognized as a government facility that dealt with the extraordinary, something that no one else could do. The reporter thing was brand new to her. Cat Grant, her former boss, helped her see she was wasting her time and potential, so she decided to take the leap. And it was amazing, she knew it. Even if her new boss was a pain in the ass sometimes, she loved what she did. It was the time of the day where she could feel like a normal person.

She was lost in her thoughts, inside her apartment, when she got a call and rushed to answer her phone. As soon as she hang up, she took a deep breath, smiling, because a great opportunity presented itself to her and she would definitely grab it. She heard a knock on the door and went to answer it, still smiling to herself.

- Hi you... What's the smile for? Did something happen? – Alex asked as she went inside, closing the door behind her and finding her sister's behavior really weird.

- I was just feeling the need to take some time to take deep breaths and think about my life... And I'll actually have the chance to press pause... At least for the weekend. Cat Grant just called me.

- And... what's the big news?

- She asked me to represent her in a gala in StarCity. CatCo was invited and she's still the owner, but she'll have to travel across the country so she can't make it.

- That's nice... But... StarCity isn't that city that's worse than Gotham?

- No city can be darker than Gotham. And if anything happens, I'll be prepared... as Supergirl...

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