37. Everything - Part 1

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NOTES: Hi guys!!! I'm back.

This next short fic has 3 parts, because I couldn't possibly write it as once piece only, it would be like endless to read lol

I asked for ur help, and u voted. So... Besides Kariver, this fic is also SuperSpeedy (Thea and Clark). Barry also will have a different love interest (I still love WestAllen, just wanted to play with different possibilities for a change). And it's really cool and fun to write new ships. 

So I hope you guys like it. The whole thing is mapped out, but I still have to write parts 2 and 3. So see u again in the next part.


Chapter Summary: Kara invites her Earth 1 friends for a celebration at the DEO that ends up in a nightmare, and now, they have to team up and save Superman from the vicious Lex Luthor.


She was finally feeling better.

She was finally feeling alive again.

It has been really hard to get out of the darkness she found herself trapped in. After losing Mon El, not even knowing if he was still alive, where he was, she buried herself in sadness. Thank Rao for her sister, her friends, Clark and Eliza. They all made her feel alive again, they never gave up on her even in her worse days.

That nightmare was finally over. Her heart was still broken, she was still hurt, but she didn't feel sad anymore. It was time to move on with her life.

Right now, DEO was organizing a celebration and she felt excited for it. J'onn told her to invite some of her Earth 1 friends, it was about time they could properly meet, since they were always helping each other, first with the Invasion on Earth 1 and then Kara and Barry got trapped inside a musical world. Kara was excited for her friends to see the DEO and meet her sister. She grabbed her extrapolator and pressed its button, opening the breach.

At Star Labs, Oliver, Thea and Barry rested on the main control room as Caitlin checked the computers. Oliver and Thea had a few bruises and were extremely exhausted after helping Barry with a new threat that seemed unstoppable.

- Yes, he won't be messing with anyone's head anytime soon! Lyla just sent a message – Barry said as he looked at his cellphone.

- Finally! – Thea said as she looked at her itching forearm – Nice, I'm bleeding! – She said sarcastically.

- Come, I can fix this – Caitlin said as she smiled nicely at Thea, bringing her to her lab.

Oliver and Barry looked at each other, both relieved it was finally over.

- This guy was worse than Reverse Flash! – Oliver said as he scratched his head.

- I don't know if there's anything worse than that guy... But thanks man! I know you're having a hard time right now... It meant a lot you could help!

- I'm always here for my friends, Barry. – Oliver said as he got up and patted Barry's shoulder.

- Are you ok?

- I will be... I mean... The breakup was not easy and a lot was said... But I'll be fine. I've been through worse.

- That's what I'm afraid of...

- What do you mean? – Oliver looked confused at Barry.

- It's just that... You have been through a lot. A lot of pain and sadness. I am afraid you get so used to it, that one day you just won't recognize you need time to heal. We all do, man.

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