27 - Teenage Nightmare

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Chapter Summary: Prompt by victor17: "I have an idea. "What if Oliver and Kara were turned into baby's, kids or Teenagers you can choose" or only one of them turned and the other will have to take care of him/her until the effects pass"


Kara flew home as Supergirl after a long day of hard work at CatCo and saving the world for the rest of the day: Criminals, burning buildings, a bomb about to destroy the entire city.

It was a lot.

She landed on her balcony and went fast to the bathroom. She needed a shower. A long and calm shower, and then she would put her pj's and eat something while she watches TV for the rest of the night until she falls asleep.

That was a perfect plan.

She was in her hot tube, enjoying a relaxing bath and thinking about life when she heard a noise in the living room. She was alone, so it was possible that someone just broke in.

Awesome, she thought, as she got up and put her pj's really fast, walking cautiously to find the source of the noise. She heard two people talking and noticed familiar voices.

- We came to the wrong place! – A deep voice, sounding like the person was about to murder someone said

- No, we didn't. It's here, I can tell! – I really excited voice said and Kara felt a bit confused as she stepped in the living room only to find Mick and Ray, with someone that looked like Oliver Queen, but he had a funny look and was unconscious in Mick's arms.

That was quite the scene.

- Hi Kara! – Ray said with a big smile in his face while Mick only nodded.

- I'm hungry! – He said after looking around. – And I wanted to visit another universe... New stuff to steal and all...

- Hi Ray, Mick! – Kara smiled politely as she looked at the kitchen. – I have food there on the table, from earlier... And you won't steal! Not in my watch!

- He is kidding – Ray laughed forcedly

- No, I'm not!

Mick dropped Oliver on Kara's couch and walked to her kitchen, opening the bag and grabbing doughnuts.

- Help yourself – She finished while looking confused at Ray. – What's going on?

- We had a small problem back on our Earth and we need your help... - Ray said.

- And this is... Oliver? – She pointed at the blonde guy with a weird hair.

- Yes... Funny story – Ray said awkwardly – We need to fix an anachronism and for his safety, we need your help, to take care of him... He is not safe in our Earth for the moment...

- Why does he look this weird?

- Oh, this is young Oliver... Like 20 something Oliver. Before becoming a vigilante.

- And what in Rao's name happened? I'm really confused.

- We have been dealing with people and stuff lost in time, in the wrong places... A mess... Napoleon ended up in a bar in Star City 2006 and Oliver here pissed him off.

- Oliver picked up a fight with... Napoleon? – Kara looked at Ray and then at Oliver as it was the craziest thing she has ever heard in her entire life... And she was an alien.

- Yes, he did. And now he is not safe in our Earth until we fix this... We called Star Labs but things there are just as crazy... And we need to prevent this Oliver from meeting his present self, to avoid a bigger disaster. We were really out of options, but Barry reminded us of the multiverse...

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