33. With a little help from my friends

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NOTES: So, I was inspired to write this one since an idea came into my mind. I mixed humor with light M rating, but I assure you it's safe to read it. 

hope you like this one ^^


Chapter Summary: Prompt by Jamie: "Have you considered doing one where Barry teases Oliver that Kara finds him "gross" from the Earth X comment and it goes from there?


Country music played on the background and people were really excited, drinking, dancing and laughing all around. By the bar, Barry Allen and Oliver Queen talked as they drank their beer, Oliver looking around like he was questioning why the hell was he in a country music bar.

- I'm starting to question your taste; I confess... - Oliver said while he sat on a stool by Barry's side. – How did you find this place anyways?

- I helped a meta who used to sing country music once. I ended up liking here... It's nice...

- Debatable... - Oliver said as he drank a sip of his beer. – But this is nice... We avoided the end of the world...

- Once again...

- It never gets old, does it?

- Never.

They laughed as they made a playful toast about their victory. It was a though one, but they managed, as always. This time around it was only Oliver in Central City backing Barry up.

- Have you heard from Kara? It's weird not having her around this time... - Oliver said as he looked at the bar counter.

And it was true. Since the last invasion they faced, they became used to have her help once and a while. She was trying to visit more her friends from Earth 1 but something always happened, so they always ended up fighting some evil. Oliver kinda missed it this time around.

- Last time I've heard from her; she was fighting a... World killer... something like that...

- That sound serious... - He looked worried

- It is. I asked if she needed help, but she said it was for the best if they took care of the situation. This someone is from Krypton as well, and Kara told me this Reign almost got her killed once, so you know...

- We would probably have our asses handled to ourselves.

It hurts the ego, he admitted to himself, but it was true. None of them would have a shot against an evil kryptonian that almost killed Supergirl.

- Yep, pretty much!

Barry looked at Oliver and started laughing. Oliver smiled, confused, having no idea what the hell was so funny.

- Are you ok, Barry?

- No...It's just... Man...We were talking about Kara and all I can think about is that "gross" line in my mind... That was funny...

- Not at all...

- I'm sorry man it's just that... It was refreshing to see at least one person not drooling over you. I never thought I would see that...

- Oh, this is because Iris said I was hot? Something like that?

Barry looked at Oliver with an annoyed face as was Oliver's turn to laugh.

- I heard that – Oliver tapped Barry's shoulder – I'm just kidding man...

- Well... Who am I lying to? – Barry laughed – My wife would jump you if she wasn't dating me back then... We all know that... And so would Caitlin... This is so depressive...

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