76. You and Me

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NOTES: Hi guys. So I picked a prompt about Kara training with Oliver and I remembered I've done this already, so that prompt will be a scene inside another prompt:

· Prompt by Nick107nm: I think a good prompt for a next single story should be Oliver/Kara's Wedding. I think that would be a good prompt. I don't see a wedding story in all your collection.

Yes you're right. I have weddings happening on isolated stories but here, ur prompt is the first

 I'm also going for Oliver's POV (never done it too)

I hope you enjoy this chapter. There's a reason why it took me a bit long to update this time, I'll explain in the notes at the end of the chapter.


Oliver woke up in the middle of the night, with the sound of a loud thunder. He got up and walked to the window to see the rain outside. He closed the windows and walked back to his bed.

He felt anxious.

For the first time in his life there wasn't any danger about to happen, any sacrifice he would have to make, any big threats to deal with or lunatics to put in jail.

The next day was going to be just his wedding day, to the most beautiful woman in the entire multiverse.

He lay back down; staring at the ceiling as his mind went far away, thinking about everything that happened to him that made him feel the luckiest man alive.

He was happy.

And it was all thanks to her.

Two years ago, his friend Barry Allen came to his city to ask for his help because aliens were invading the planet and he couldn't possibly deal with that by himself. Oliver had heard a lot of crazy things, even before he met Barry. He learned magic was real when he was in Lin Yu and met John Constantine for the first time. He knew the world had mysteries no one could possibly try to begin to understand. But aliens, was a different story. He was unsure what to expect when Barry told him he knew an alien that could help them.

And then, he met her: Kara Danvers, also known on her Earth as Supergirl.

He remembered listening to that and feeling completely off balance inside. First because she wasn't what he expected at all, it was easy to forget she was an alien when he stood by her side and that alone left him full on alert.

After everything he had been through, it was a natural response for the unknown, he knew that, but also, he was smitten. He would never admit it back then, but he knew for sure now. He also knew it was probably why he benched her and made her really angry at him. He needed to focus and to do his best to keep his friends and the world safe. He learned it was the wrong move later, because she was obviously their best chance against the Dominators, the alien race they fought against.

Her super powers were really impressive, for sure, but what made him feel curious about her was the fact that she was always sweet and kind, and still did her best to help him no matter what, even if she was pissed at him. She saved his life like they were best friends for decades and that surprised Oliver more than anything. He managed to piss a lot of people his entire life, and that was the first time that someone wasn't trying to hit him our call him names.

He was glad he was wrong and did something he is usually not used to: apologize. They became friends after that and thanks to Cisco, she had an easier way to come and visit, talk to them: a device that opened breaches to any Earth in the multiverse. He thought about the day Cisco contacted him because Kara wanted to talk to him and ask for his help.


- There you go. Your own extrapolator – Cisco said as he handed the device to Oliver and smiled – Now I can stop being your Hedwig.

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